Nabu Casa - order of precedence Alexa Filter

Is there a order of precedence with the filters?

If an entity is in include_entities: and in exclude_entities: which takes precedence

(Right answer is do not do this… but wondering as I go through the 90+ items if I miss one, or could I just EXCLUDE all and then include the ones I want overriding the exclude)

Does exclude_domains: override a include_entities: or the other way around?

I did read a post that stated to only include_entities: that I want, so is there a default deny all if there is an include?

P.s. BIG Thank You to @bacco007 for your script to list all entities and domains…

Yes I too think the right answer is not use both.
I’m not positive to the answer of your question, but I seem to recall it is something along the lines where the first filter builds a list of entities, and hands it to the second filter. For example, if the include filter is first, it will build a list of items to include (excludes all others), then hand it to the next filter which is the exclude filter and it will exclude any items handed to it from the include list.

Thank You - still playing with the set, and will update once I get a full grasp. GREAT integration.

So far I have my Garage Door opening (Insteon I/O linc) as well as Music on the whole house audio (Mac mini with legacy iTunes, with API from GitHub to add a REST API, integrated to HA, then present to Alexa)

Working through the easiest way to maintain the 340 lines of Entities…

So far this is what I have discovered by observation. Note that I do not know if this is intent of the code or current logic permits.

Includes override Excludes, at all levels

For me with 300+ Entities, I started with this script to discover all the entities, and exclude them. I then removed the exclusion, and added an exclusion for all of the domains supported, and included the entities I wanted to expose to Nabu Cloud, and this worked very well.