Nagging/Repeatable Alert Notification send to mobile and optional other actions

I updated my blueprint to distinguish between an initial-delay and a subsequential delay. With regards to the bonus: Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with regards to define expressions in the notify_message input as they are not resolved.

For example:

notify_message:  "Alert is triggered for entity: {{entity_name}}"

…is not resolved and thus the mobile notifications is displayed as: “Alert is triggered for entity:”

As long as that problem exists, I cannot add a dynamic expression such as alert_triggerd_since

I opened an issue:

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Nice blueprint!
Would it be possible to make the device notification optional? I’d like a message on my google home only, no message on my phone. With service calls I can do the google home part.

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Awesome blueprint! Will try to migrate few of my basic and hopefully advanced alerts and manual automations to this one.

As @CentralCommand already noted in his first post I see some disavantages (which are partly based on the general limitations of blueprints), mainly currently:

  1. Automation doesn´t survive HA restarts
  2. Very limited trigger condition. The need for creating template sensors basically kicks me back to the YAML and reload/HA reboot world which I was trying to leave cause that´s almost as annoying as the current official alert integration which lacks UI support.

I´ll give it a try but likely more for simple scenarios (“when door is open”) as more complex ones (“door A or window B or C or D is open after sunset and before xx o’clock”) seem to be a bit too much because of #2.

Is there any way to get multiple devices get notified?

I updated the blueprint like this and can select multiple devices (I’m not sure this is the right way)

      name: Device to notify
      description: Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive
            integration: mobile_app

But I’m fairly certain that the sequence won’t take multiple, not sure how to structure that?

    - domain: mobile_app
      type: notify
      device_id: !input 'notify_device'
      message: !input 'resolved_message'

you’ll need to use a notify group instead of a list of devices. Then make an input option to use the group if its present instead of the device

i also updated the delays to minutes instead of seconds as the max was for an hr and I wanted to monitor states of say if a fridge has not cycle its compressor or became unavailable for longer than 3 hrs

  name: Nagging Alerting Notification Automation
  description: >
    Trigger an alert based on the state of a given sensor.
    The Alert is send to a mobile app device and repeats as long as the sensor is in the given state.
    An additonal action can be specified. This might be useful to tts the message.
  domain: automation
      name: Sensor Entity
      description: "Sensor that triggers an alert"
      name: Sensor Alert state
      description: "Sensor state that triggers the alert notification"
      default: "on"
      name: Initial Alert Delay
      description: "Time to wait until an alert notification will be send (inital)"
      default: 120
          min: 0
          max: 1440
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
      name: Repeat Alert Delay
      description: "Time to wait until an alert notification will be send (subsequently)"
      default: 120
          min: 0
          max: 1440
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
      name: Max Alert Notifications
      description: "How often should the alert get triggered while the alert is active"
      default: 3
          min: 0
          max: 100
          unit_of_measurement: count
      name: Device to notify
      description: "Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications."
      default: false
          integration: mobile_app
      name: Notification Group
      description: The name of the notification group to call.
      default: ""
      name: Notifcation Message (Optional)
      description: 'Default: "Alert {{ entity_name }} triggered"'
      default: "Alert {{ entity_name }} triggered"
      name: Message when the alert is resolved (Optional)
      description: 'Default: "Alert {{ entity_name }} resolved"'
      default: "Alert {{ entity_name }} resolved"
      name: Alert Action (Optional)
      description: "Action to run while the alert is active. You can reuse the {{ notify_message }} variable"
      default: []
      name: Resolved Action (Optional)
      description: "Action to run after an alert was resolved. You can reuse the {{ resolved_message }} variable"
      default: []
      name: Dismiss Alert (Optional)
      description: "Input Boolean to dismiss an alert"
          domain: input_boolean
      name: Condition Entity (Optional)
      description: "Condition Entity before an alert gets triggered"
      name: Condition Entity state (Optional)
      description: "State of the condition entity"
      default: "on"

mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent

  sensor_entity: !input sensor_entity
  entity_name: "{{ state_attr(sensor_entity,'friendly_name') }}"
  notify_message: !input notify_message
  resolved_message: !input resolved_message
  alert_action: !input alert_action
  alert_state: !input alert_state
  dismiss_entity: !input dismiss_entity
  resolved_action: !input resolved_action
  send_notification: "false"
  initial_delay: !input initial_delay
  repeat_delay: !input repeat_delay
  condition_entity: !input condition_entity
  condition_entity_state: !input condition_entity_state
  group_target: !input notify_group

  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input sensor_entity
    to: !input alert_state
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start

  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ is_state(sensor_entity, alert_state) }}"
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ condition_entity == None or is_state(condition_entity, condition_entity_state) }}"

  - choose:
      - conditions: "{{ dismiss_entity != None }}"
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
              entity_id: !input dismiss_entity

  # Initial Wait
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ not is_state(sensor_entity, alert_state)}}"
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ dismiss_entity != None and not is_state(dismiss_entity, 'on') }}"
      minutes: !input initial_delay

  # None = alert was not resolved or dimissed in the specified wait-time thus we need to send notifications.
  - variables:
      send_notification: "{{ wait.trigger == None }}"

  - repeat:
      count: !input max_alerts
        - variables:
            repeat_count: "{{ repeat.index }}"

        # Break conditions (aka. stop the loop)
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ is_state(sensor_entity, alert_state)}}"
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ dismiss_entity == None or is_state(dismiss_entity, 'on') }}"

        - choose:
            - conditions: "{{ not group_target }}"
                # Notification Actions
                - domain: mobile_app
                  type: notify
                  device_id: !input notify_device
                  # Bug: Expressions defined in the notify_message are not resolved within the scope of the sequence
                  message: !input notify_message
                - choose:
                    - conditions: "{{ alert_action is defined and alert_action|length > 0 }}"
                      sequence: !input alert_action
            - conditions: "{{ group_target is defined }}"
                - service: "notify.{{ group_target }}"
                    message: !input notify_message
                - choose:
                    - conditions: "{{ alert_action is defined and alert_action|length > 0 }}"
                      sequence: !input alert_action
        # Wait
        - wait_for_trigger:
            - platform: template
              value_template: "{{ not is_state(sensor_entity, alert_state)}}"
            - platform: template
              value_template: "{{ dismiss_entity != None and not is_state(dismiss_entity, 'on') }}"
            minutes: !input repeat_delay

  # Repeat finished
  - choose:
      # If Alert was dismissed
      - conditions: "{{ send_notification and dismiss_entity != None and not is_state(dismiss_entity, 'on') }}"
          - service: system_log.write
              message: "Alert {{ entity_name }} dismissed"
              level: warning

      # If Alert was resolved
      - conditions: "{{ send_notification and not is_state(sensor_entity, alert_state) }}"
          - choose:
              - conditions: "{{ not group_target }}"
                      - domain: mobile_app
                        type: notify
                        device_id: !input notify_device
                        message: !input resolved_message
                      - choose:
                          - conditions: "{{ resolved_action is defined and resolved_action|length > 0 }}"
                            sequence: !input resolved_action
              - conditions: "{{ group_target is defined }}"
                  - service: "notify.{{ group_target }}"
                      message: !input resolved_message
                  - choose:
                      - conditions: "{{ resolved_action is defined and resolved_action|length > 0 }}"
                        sequence: !input resolved_action

  - choose:
      - conditions: "{{ dismiss_entity != None }}"
          - service: input_boolean.turn_off
              entity_id: !input dismiss_entity

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@pavax, is there a way to trigger this when the sensor goes “unknown” (offline)?

Thank you very much @pavax, I discover yesterday the great alert integration and today your blueprints that make it much more easier to use, great work !

Thanks @pavax for this nice blueprints.
Two ideas:

  1. allow to set a “clickAction”. Use case: gate open, when you click on the notification you can go directly to the according dashboard. The freezer is open, you receive the notification and you go directly to the dashboard with camara on the kichen
  2. Allow also notificacions on google home (text to speach)

I’ve seen that I can actually make a text to speach notification by using the “Alert Action”. In my use case I would like a different timeout for the “Alert Action” and the notification (for eg, first notify on speakers and later on cellphone).

Still, a great blueprint.

@pavax thank you for your work, out of 4-5 similar blueprints, this was the one that I understood and could implement, thank you!
But I just spent 3 hours trying this… please can anyone help?
Besides the notifications, I also have a light that flashes red until you close the door. But, I’ve tried remembering and restoring the state of the light after flashing, but I can’t do that. So I tried a more simpler approach, I want to make 2 similar automations, one for when the light is on, and one for when light is off, buuuut I’ve tried so many options using the ConditionEntity and ConditionEntityState, but nothing seems to work, any ideas?

condition_entity: light.kitchen_top
condition_entity_state: “off”

here is all the code as well:


alias: A1. NAGGING 33
description: ""
  path: pavax/nagging_alert_notification.yaml
    sensor_entity: binary_sensor.sonoff_12_doorwindow_iaszone
    alert_state: "on"
    initial_delay: 5
    repeat_delay: 10
    max_alerts: 26
    notify_device: cb11dcdeb9b47f68f0781a350784e775
    notify_message: The fridge was left open!!!
    resolved_message: Thank you, the fridge is closed :)
      - service: light.turn_on
          color_name: red
          device_id: f945dfac7d33d3a1489926ff792c7ddf
        enabled: false
      - repeat:
            - type: is_open
              condition: device
              device_id: 07634f67ca52c15cf5e40aa5e72e2175
              entity_id: binary_sensor.sonoff_12_doorwindow_iaszone
              domain: binary_sensor
            - service: light.turn_on
                color_name: red
                device_id: f945dfac7d33d3a1489926ff792c7ddf
            - delay:
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                seconds: 0
                milliseconds: 500
            - service: light.turn_off
              data: {}
                device_id: f945dfac7d33d3a1489926ff792c7ddf
            - delay:
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                seconds: 0
                milliseconds: 500
      - service: light.turn_off
        data: {}
          device_id: f945dfac7d33d3a1489926ff792c7ddf
    condition_entity: light.kitchen_top
    condition_entity_state: "off"`


Very nice blueprint, it’s most advance blue print to do that I never seen. I have some question :

  • it’s possible to have multiple trigger entity ?
  • it’s possible to add advance test, ex : entity > 20

I want to use this to monitor if my protect camera are recording or if my water consumption is over 10l/min for 15 min.

Thank in advance

Just found this as I’ve been trying to figure out alerts for my garage door open. MANY THANKS ! I’m looking how to cancel this remotely via the HA app on my iPhone. I’m not familiar with the input_Boolean.

Has anyone else seen a Template Variable Warning in the logs from this blueprint when using the default notification messages? If so, have you found a solution? It seems like inputting my own message that doesn’t dynamically insert the entity name solves it, but I haven’t yet found how to make it more versatile.

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 13:52:44 (48 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:53:56

Template variable warning: ‘entity_name’ is undefined when rendering ‘Alert {{ entity_name }} triggered’
Template variable warning: ‘entity_name’ is undefined when rendering ‘Alert {{ entity_name }} resolved’

Just found this blue print after leaving a garage door open all night. At the moment just have a simple, if open for 5 mins close. Because 99% of the time it opened to get the car out only.

I like the idea of a nagging alert. I also had been playing with actionable notifications. Is it possible to combine the two?

Alert me every 60 seconds say, with an alert that gives the user the option to close the door?

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Any idea why for some reason I just cannot get this blueprint automation to trigger.

Simple motion sensor, to a state change, no trigger?


This isn’t working for me. I’m using a moisture sensor (binary). It shows the automation is firing, but I get no notification on my iPhone.

Can someone please explain how to use the dismiss_entity properly? I was thinking it would allow one to silence the notification tempoarily or something, but I’m not clear on what the proper setup would look like to accomplish this with this blueprint.