Naming error with Deconz and Appdaemon

ah thats nothing special as this is the only script I’m running with appdaemon (so far)
appdaemon config:

  logfile: STDOUT
  errorfile: STDERR
  threads: 10
  app_dir: /config/appdaemon/apps
  ha_url: HASS url
  ha_key: "password"


  module: dim
  class: dimming

where the name of the file with the dimming script is

Aah, I expected that you define the remotes name in the config.

No, only use it for one light and one button. In my present setup if have no need for multiple dimmers (yet).

I’m just finding out and learing programming in python as I go.

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Hi @Try2Fly i’m new to AppDaemon, to use your script i need something like automation? I installed and configured Appdaemon, changed the light name but it doesn’t work

to use apps with appdaemon you need to configure every app.

to understand how appdaemon works you can read this:

when you read and understand what is written there, the you will understand how to implement apps and change settings.

thank you @ReneTode

An easy way to bypass the variable name conflict for event filtering with deconz

#callback initialisation : add a kwargs variable named deconz_event or whatever you want and event number
self.listen_event(self.callback_name, "deconz_event", id="switch", deconz_event=2002)

# in each callback definition : add this if statement at the beginning
def callback_name(self, event_name, data, kwargs)
  if data["event"] == kwargs["deconz_event"]: