National Rail Integration

In HACS I installed Lovelace HTML Jinja2 Template card and working now!

Thanks for your help!

Now I need to find an integration that will show me bus departures from stops near my house.

This is on my list to make. There is an goverment API for it, just havent gotten around to it. May have a look this weekend.

TFL also provide bus details 9n their API if youre in London.

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Hi @osalj

There’s a great API you can use if you are in Oxfordshire.

I made a quick and dirty integration for it a while back

I think I need to add one file to make it available in HACS. Maybe tonight

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Yes Im in London

I’m getting this error when I try to use this git, when i add the integration I get ‘unexpected error’ after pasting in the token and stations. - GitHub - plutomedia987/homeassistant_nationalrail

 File "/config/custom_components/nationalrailuk/", line 384, in async_get_data
    raise NationalRailClientException("unexpected data from api") from err
custom_components.nationalrailuk.client.NationalRailClientException: unexpected data from api

@jfparis maybe we can expand on this one together or I can create a custom card for you?

David, please take this one over to my thread.

yes sure.

I want to add the HACS file when I have a moment and rework the config flow to enable bus stop lookup

There is a good existing London TFL integration here

I have combined that with this National Rail integration to make my departure board from my local train station (Putney) to Waterloo and also the buses from my nearest stop. It looks like this:


Their configuration workflow is way better (where I would like mine to be)