Native Hive integration missing components

It’s great to see Hive as a native component in 0.59 but it’s not reporting items that were reported in the third party integration, such as thermostat and sensor battery state. I’ve removed the third party components so it’s not that as far as I can see. Was this ported from the third party integration or a new component and are the states going to be reinstated?

Hi @sfgreenwood,

The custom component was adapted (heavily) to a native component where a number of things had to change along the way so that it fit in with the standardised design of home assistant keeping everything consistent and aligned with existing native components.

I detailed the changes between the custom component and the native integration in the Hive Integration post to help anyone who was using the custom component and who would like to move to the native integration. With regards to those sensors which are missing, these did not fit in with the general design of home assistant and had to be removed.

Essentially you need to do what it sounds like you have already done, plus then if you would like to carry on using the missing sensors you need to download from the GitHub link below the new sensor custom component and copy to the custom_components/sensor folder:

Whether or not these can be bought in to the native integration in the future, I don’t know, but at least for now we can still continue using them with the new sensor custom component.

I hope this helps, let me know if you need any more info :slight_smile:

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I actually missed the announcement as you might have worked out. The custom component sensor works though so I’m happy with that. Thanks for all your work!

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great stuff, glad its all working :slight_smile: