Neato Integration needs to be reconfigured after updating HA from 2020.12.1 to 2021.1.1 ?!?

the strange url appears after emptying the firefox cache.
when I redo the request without clearing the cache, this is how it is written: c30826eac5 & redirect_uri = https: // 8123 / auth / external / callback & state = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJI

I do not know why

Miracle, I copy paste your link: on and now it works !!!
thank you very much for your help :wink:

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Maybe go back to the Neato Developer Network page, delete your app and create a new one. This will give you a new Client ID and Client Secret. Enter the new ID and Secret into your Configuration.yaml

I donā€™t know if the Client ID and Client Secret are in any way tied to the external URL, but itā€™s worth a try.

This video helped me to get duckdns setup.

thank you to you Santobert and to you Cletus !! it works

Having issues with the same integrationā€¦
https:// *****************
config.yaml has the following copy-pasted from the app created at ā€˜developers . neatorobotics . comā€™
client_id: 96c89248c37178bcba208a79e8e9c104************************* 33b
client_secret: d3097****************************************** cd33961591c6******

Defined scopes are

When authenticating i get the following error:

500 Internal Server Error

Server got itself in trouble

Respons is from:
ā€™ https:// ****************** *************************** 78004bc644555ebfd4d108&state=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJmbG93X*****************jYWViOThmYTBmZWQiLCJyZWRpcmVjdF91cmkiOiJodHRwczovL2oyNDRmaTF4a2ZweHE3MG03ZjV2azYyd3ozaXc3aXVrLnVpLm5hYnUuY2FzYS9hdXRoL2V4dGVybmFsL2NhbGxiYWNrIn0.8RtLXo6U2T0Rl6HSW8jPNf4_w2QX7byTLJmPc2BPQDM ā€™

I have a working spotify integration with the same callback, so I donā€™t know why this is not workingā€¦

I got this working by adding the port number in the Neato Application setup

In the application setup I used:

This resolved the redirect URL error for me.

Hi all,

Iā€™m also trying to get this integration in place but not working, I have the Nabu Casa subscription and Iā€™m not using duckdns, I have the provided nabu casa URL setup as my external URL and Iā€™m getting the error that the redirection URL is not valid.

Not sure what Iā€™ve misconfigured here, is the use of duckdns mandatory or the use of nabu casa allows not having to use duckdns?



Anyone able to advise on the above please?


make sure you access home assistant using the nabu casa URL and not hte internal URL so it matches with the redirect when you setup the integration.

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Hi Dshokouhi,

That worked, thanks

this worked for me too! I came here with the same symptoms and frustration :slight_smile:


sorry to re-open an old thread, but I just updated my HA installation after several months without any problem and now I get an issue with my Neato installation.

I followed all the hints above, but I still get the error message ā€œThe redirect uri included is not valid.ā€.

My external URL is reachable and I have used the new https://domain:port/redirect/oauth address to configure the Neato Dev App entry.

My internal and external URLs in HA are properly configured.

I see however that the link returned by HA when configuring the Neato integration contains this address ...redirect_uri= which is strange.
Why that address and not the one I used in the Neato Dev App entry?

Thanks for any help.

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Same problem here on a fresh HA install.

Make sure you guys refer to the updated documentation and breaking changes mentioned in releases

I have solved the issue. :slight_smile:
I was trying to use my external link for the redirect, while it needs to be literally!