Need a sun entity where I can set the date?

Hi, I’m developing a template to deliver target ground temperatures for every minute of every day of the year, to emulate the real world, so I can create a very realistic environment for a Leopard Gecko. (via various lamps and heaters and thermometers)

To do this, I’m leveraging the sun entity, but I want to test my code before taking it live, since a live animal is depending on this being bug free.

So I would like to run the code with different dates and verify that it’s giving out the right answers.

However the sun sensor is always giving sunset/sunrise for today’s date.

Is there a way to make it generate the sunset/sunrise times for an arbitrary date during the year?



I am guessing the integration is using system date. By changing system date you will get a different result. Appears there is a way of changing system time here

if you want to try to extract the calculation data from the excel worksheet you can go here:

I don’t know of any ready-made integration.

Thanks - yes in the end I made a list with sunset and sunrise for the whole year and indexed into that, working well now!