Need help setting up OctoPrint with HA

Sorry no. hopefully it can be built in into the component

Anyone set up some notification when print paused? I’ve just added a filament sensor to mine and it would be great to get a push when it’s time to change! :smiley:

Hey rpitera,

I am having a similar issue with my temperature readouts.

They currently read out in *F, and about twice the appropriate value. (!?)

Can you give a bit more detail where to place the value_template code?
I tried placing it in my customization yaml beneath the friendly_name entry for each sensor, but it had no effect.

I do not have a sensors.yaml, and I wasn’t able to add it in my congfiguration.yaml without breaking it. (Perhaps I have the syntax wrong?)


I’m in the process of linking my octopi to HA. Would you mins sharing your config to get the camera stream in HA?


I’m using the “Enclosure” plugin with Octopi, which allows you to control the Rpi GPIO’s from Octoprint. Any idea how to control these (lights, fans, etc) via HA?

I added this code to my sensors.yaml file and it did not change the result in the front end. Any suggestions?

How do you guys see the bed temps? I only get the hotend temps…

Using an Ender3 with latest Marlin firmware.

  - platform: octoprint
    name: OctoPrint
      - Current State
      - Temperatures
      - Job Percentage

I have this and it works

  name: octoprint    
  number_of_tools: 1
  bed: true
      - 'Current State'
      - 'Job Percentage'
      - 'Temperatures'
      - 'Time Elapsed'
      - 'Time Remaining'

As soon as I add: camera_view: live my octoprint camera stops showing in lovelace…

      - type: picture-glance
        camera_image: camera.octoprint
        camera_view: live
          - switch.3d_print_light

But if I don’t use it, it just shows a still image that refreshes every 5 secs or so.