Need help to configure MQTT & ESP32 power comsumption reporting

I’m using ESP32 to read power comsumption via Mosquito broker, I’mlost in configuration.

Maybe show what you have already.

Hi Fancis,

Here what I’ve aready.

I already created instances to publish and comming from Power meters

So, next steps I don’ know how to proceed, via MQTT Explorer, connection to Mosquito broker don’t work

show how you have done this. The screenshot only tells us that you have installed the MQTT addon.

This is probably the configuration example you want:

But please also do as fleskefjes asks if you need help with this.

Welcome @NotroCargo

as others already mentioned it is good to provide as much details as possible in your question. This way people are much more likely to help you and not wasting time requesting (basic) information from you. :hourglass:

A helpful post exist explaining in detail what your post should (at least) contain :point_down:

For now we can only guess for example what software is running on your esp32 :person_shrugging:

It might be that you could ditch mqtt (and all the complexity involved) completely by making use of the esphome native api for example :trophy:

Advantages over MQTT

The ESPHome native API has many advantages over using MQTT for communication with Home Automation software (currently only Home Assistant and ioBroker). But MQTT is a great protocol and will never be removed. Features of native API (vs. MQTT):

  • Much more efficient: ESPHome encodes all messages in a highly optimized format with protocol buffers - for example binary sensor state messages are about 1/10 of the size.
  • One-click configuration: ESPHome just needs one click to set up in Home Assistant - no more messing around with retained MQTT discovery messages and alike.
  • One less single point of failure: In the ESPHome native API each ESP is its own server. With MQTT, when the broker shuts off nothing can communicate anymore.
  • Stability: Since ESPHome has far more control over the protocol than with MQTT, it’s really easy for us to roll out stability improvements.
  • Low Latency: The native API is optimized for very low latency, usually this is only a couple of milliseconds and far less than can be noticed by the eye.