Need solution for padding climate value


I’m rather new to HA, been playing around for a few months. Now I got a few of Midea AC units and connected them to HA using Midea AC LAN integration. All is good on that front, have full control and can use climate cards.

Problem is with AC units itself, their internal temperature sensors are way off, usually at least 1⁰C higher, but if heating is on, it can go even higher. Units also don’t like to switch off early, so today in bedroom I set temp to 25⁰C and it was still heating when internal temp sensor was reporting over 30⁰C.

My idea for solution is to use external temp sensors in a room. For that I got couple of sonoff t&h sensors reporting via ZHA. I created group helper to have average value from both sensors, way more accurate then AC internal one. Question is what is the best way to integrate them in the AC control flow?

One way I explored, is creating automation, say for cooling, triggered when my helper set value or room temperature changes. It will adjust AC set temp a degree below it’s internal temp sensor and keeps on doing that until room temperature sensors report desired temperature. Problem with this solution is that I would need separate automations for each AC units and for cooling and heating separately. Also, my inside AC units are connected to single outside unit (multi-split system), so they cannot do heating and cooling at the same time. In fact, even having one unit on heat and another on fan only is a problem, so awareness of what other units are doing would be very great.

Before I dig too deep into it, I though I’ll ask, maybe someone already had similar issues and there is a solution for that.


That link:

If you need to activate two switches, one for a heater and one for an air conditioner, you will need two Generic Thermostat entities.

swingerman/ha-dual-smart-thermostat: The dual_smart_thermostat is an enhaced verion of generic thermostat implemented in Home Assistant. It uses several sensors and dedicated switches connected to a heater and air conditioning under the hood. (

This one looks very promising. I’ll try it out.

okay, so both generic thermostat and dual_smart_thermostat are working over a switch. While it is possible to expose power switch for each AC unit, it’s not ideal.
But it took me on a right path, so thank you for that. I’ve found Versatile Thermostat which has ability to control climate entity directly and specifically it has options to pad set termperature values of original climate entity based on internal temp sensor, ensuring that room temperature is set, i.e. currently I have heat mode on AC, and set it to 22.5⁰C, my AC internal temp sensor reports 26.5⁰C, actual room temp 21.9⁰C, so it adjusted AC set temp to 28⁰C. Perfect!
It’s a bit french in the docs and I’m still playing around, but it seems to be just what I was looking for. Very happy about it.

Thank you all.

No, you don’t need a physical switch. You just need something for it to trigger.
It could be a boolean or a template switch if you want.
You then use this switch to set the target temperature of the generic thermostat with an automation.