Need some help with my automation

Based on your behavior in that other thread you must watch a lot of those documentaries. :roll_eyes:

I think I’d cut down on them if I were you. :grinning:

Sorry for the late replay.
I’m from the Netherlands so “luchtvochtigheid berekenen” is Dutch :slight_smile:

But back on topic.
I now use the latest version of Home Assistant with Hassio as Docker-image on a synology.

The code calculate the average humidity of my bathroom sensor. I don’t have made it my self.
In Fact i can’t code at all.

I will change the time trigger.

One last question

alias: Luchtvochtigheid berekenen

It is the first line of my automation.yaml. Does it need a - before alias?

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Without going into the details, yes, the first line of every automation definition should start with a dash. It doesn’t matter which parameter of the automation gets the dash, but it must be the first of the lines that define an individual automation. So it could be:

- alias: abc

or it could be:

- trigger:
  alias: abc

Either is fine, as long as the first line of the individual automation definition starts with the dash.

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Thank you will try this.