Needs some help with RF Bridge

Hi again,
i have been trying to read the data from a tasmota flashed rf bridge to no avail, i have read loads on here about it and still cant get it to work, have implemeted loads of differnent ideas, but just cant get it to work

initially i tried rules in tasmota , that never seemed to work or even run, and i tried loads of different aproaches.

now to me the value template seems like the best answer initially ( maybe python script when i can get it to actually work ) to extract the DATA part of my sensors,
i am getting mqqt messages from tasmota , but no matter how i try i just cant seem to get my hassio to create an entity or state i can use.

this is what i have:
so in tasmota first, this is the data from the movement sensor when activated

21:31:11 MQT: tele/RFBridge/RESULT = {“Time”:“2020-01-31T21:31:11”,“RfReceived”:{“Sync”:16590,“Low”:550,“High”:1610,“Data”:“CDC35C”,“RfKey”:“None”}}

i tried many times the rules to make it only send the data i needed which is the CDC35C
but my tasmota never seemed to like a rule

so now at home assistant mqqt under developers, when i subscribe to

Listening to
i get the same data as tasmota above but laid out a bit nicer.

in my configuration.yaml
i have this

  • platform: mqtt
    name: ‘Frontroom Motion’
    state_topic: “tele/RFBridge/RESULT”
    value_template: >-
    {% if value_json.RfReceived.Data == ‘CDC35C’ %}
    {% else %}
    {{states(‘binary_sensor.frontroom_motion’) | upper}}
    {% endif %}
    off_delay: 15
    device_class: motion

which i would expect to make me a sensor or something but it doesnt work , i ahve tried also many variations of this , and syntax .

can anyone help me , the data is coming over mqqt without a problem i just cant get the value template to read it correctly , i think lol

Please format your code properly.

Is that snippet under binary_sensor: ?

Agree you need to format you code
</> button

I’m going to assume its a one code sensor
only sends code on motion
you should look at this

if it does send two codes

this is one of my binary door sensors

- platform: mqtt
    name: "Front Door"
    state_topic: "frontdoor/tele/RESULT"
    payload_on: "34150A"
    payload_off: "34150E"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.RfReceived.Data }}"
    device_class: door
    force_update: true

Hmmmm, im so silly. No i forgot to add the Binary sensor line :slight_smile:
Thankyou, i have sensors apearing and working.