NEO Siren Alarm Settings?

I’ve got a NEO Siren Alarm. It paired with my Tasmotised Zigbee Coordinator, but I can do little else other than trigger it and am unable to access the various settings without bumbling around aimlessly in the Zigbee Device Settings.

It’s a useful bit of kit to have in a HA setup, but appears to be little supported.

Does anyone know how to readily access the settings eg volume and tone etc.?


I use scripts to control it - one for arming, disarming etc. Here’s an example :

alias: Entry Alarm
  - service: mqtt.publish
      qos: "2"
      retain: false
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Siren Alarm/set
      payload: "{\"melody\": 8}"
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 40
  - service: mqtt.publish
      qos: "2"
      retain: false
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Siren Alarm/set
      payload: "{\"duration\": 60}"
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 40
  - service: mqtt.publish
      qos: "2"
      retain: false
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Siren Alarm/set
      payload: "{\"volume\": \"high\"}"
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 40
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.siren_alarm_alarm
mode: single
icon: mdi:alarm-panel

You need the 40ms delay or it doesn’t always do all the commands you send.

I assume you are using ZHA. You wouldnt have the questiions if under zigbee2mqtt.

For a ZHA script see: Zigbee Neo Siren AB02B2-v2 trying to switch melody - #8 by jerrm

But agree with @Neil_Brownlee, adding a delay between steps will probably help reliability. The z2m version of my script adds a delay.

I moved all my stuff to z2m and never went back to clean up the ZHA script.

If using the ZHA integration then suggest that you first open a new device support request (issue) to the ZHA Device Handlers integration to get help expanding a quirk for ZHA that maps all standard functions.

Frontend for ZHA integration do need more UI development and user experience design improvements.

If you are talking about advanced device features in the ZHA integration UI in Home Assistant frontend then those are still not as user-friendly or easy to use as they could be if and when Home Assistant developers will ever add default support for some kind of device templating concept in the future (at least Nabu Casa’s user experience designers and UI developers discussed some ideas for the future that was along those lines during the second part of the State of the Open Home 2022 presentation video at around 1:20:00 timestamp), so while things in Home Assistant and the ZHA integration UI are getting easier but the ZHA UI and underlying features needed are not there yet.

Quote: “Home Assistant gives you a lot of building blocks, it allows you to do a lot, but you need to build it yourself. That requires knowledge, that requires you to learn how to use it, and I think we can do better.” - Bram Kragten (Nabu Casa)

Until then, for better a worse, you need to understand that the ZHA integration is currently not yet a high-level application but rather more of a mid-level Zigbee implementation, meaning it does not offer full device abstraction for all known devices (such as the Philips Hue Bridge or IKEA Trådfri Gateway does and even Zigbee2MQTT does to some extent), but instead the ZHA integration currently only support a few specific device types mapped against existing Home Assistant device classes, as well as expose additional standard Zigbee clusters and attributes as entities in Home Assistant.

Also recommend you read through the whole ZHA integration documentation (which needs work too):

So for now probably need to create a template and use templating with exposed entities in a Blueprint.

When you know what Zigbee clusters and attributes exposed as entities do then you have the option to simply use them ‘as is’ or make use of templates and configuring variables as template into Blueprints.

Also check out Selectors and Input Helpers for use in Blueprint automations for UI configuration:

In addition to searching the community to find out if there is an existing Blueprints for alarms (with siren):

There is also custom integrations and scripts that can use a siren, such as Alarmo based alarm system:

In order to find out what all Zigbee clutsers and attribues do currently you will need to look up standard Zigbee clusters and attributes exposed as entities in Home Assistant then suggest that you ask the manufacturer if they can give you documentation or specification of which Zigbee clusters and attributes it exposes then you can look up those in the Zigbee specifications to see which options are available, see →

PS: ZHA (“Zigbee Home Automation”) is among the most popular integrations today according to Home Assistant Analytics so hopefully the future holds many UI improvements for streamlining experiences:

There’s enough in the replies for me to digest for some time.

Thanks to all who replied.
