NEO window/door sensors

How did you manage to flash the door sensor?

Using USB TTL cable soldering wires to pads on sensors. Pads are named, so no problems with identification.
Also you will need to shortcut GPIO0 with GND to bring ESP to flash mode (located opposite side). Also connections are named.
For chinese TTL cable I had to use 5V mode, cause 3V mode was pretty unstable

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hm, if I’m not mistaken, RX0, TX0, 3.3V and GND are in one place, very close to each other, while GPIO0 is on the other side and on the upper corner of the board, right?

Yep, exactly!

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hi . i have flash a door sensor with esphome but i am stuck to config mqtt binary sensor.
how do you do to extrat the mqtt message from esphome and insert in HA?

Message 107 reçu sur boite_letre/debug à 15:09 :
e[0;32m[I][sb1:364]: Door event: 0e[0m
QoS: 0 - Retain: false