Nest Thermostat integration keeps throwing "Too Many Requests'"

I set this up a few days ago for my two thermostats and have been experiencing the same issue. It, unfortunately, makes it basically unusable.

Yup, same. I have uninstalled and reconnected the integration to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions?

Is the oauth consent screen in testing or production?

Also seems like something changed on the api side given the discussion here and github issue filed. Rate Limited and Other API Errors Make Integration Unusable · Issue #49095 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I’d check the oauth consent screen setting, otherwise I’ll be following up in the github issue as we learn more.

I also get that “Too Many Requests” error when touching the slider a couple times :cry:
(I only have one 3rd gen Nest thermostat)
NB : I also lose the authentication regularly and need to re-authenticate from the Nest integration (but that might be another issue)

Make sure the oauth consent screen is set to production instead of testing to fix your log out issue.

I’ve filed a request with the sdm api developers to look at adjusting request limits.


Thank you.
I went to
clicked the button under “Publishing status” and chose Confirm
It now reads “In production”
I’ll see how it goes in the future :crossed_fingers:

Getting the same error with my Nest integration. My publishing status has always been “in Production” and I don’t see many errors in controlling my thermostat. My problems stem from the updates of the temperature and humidity entities. They hardly ever update on their own, and only pull new data when reloading hte integration.
There seems to be several people floating around the forum and internet with the same issue, with no solution other than reconnecting dozens of times until one sticks for awhile. Not really interested in that game. I actually only want the temp and humidity data for graphing so I might give up on Nest integration and get another sensor.

I have been experiencing the same issue and double-checked that it’s in production mode.

I’m guessing there isn’t any throttling occurring on the slider move event, which is thus sending a crazy number of requests.

Are you saying you also aren’t getting updates to temperature? Happy to help you diagnose, though first check out the trouble shooting tips for not receiving updates here: Nest - Home Assistant including tips for how to check error messages and look at behavior on the cloud console. Let me know if I can help.

Hi, Check out for some tips on how to see whats happening under the covers. My previously investigation with users led me to believe its not sending a crazy amount of requests necessarily and the nest throttling is a bit too aggressive for a short spike of initial requests. I filed an issue with the nest API team to look at. If you have additional data, it would be great to chime in on that bug so I have more detailed information to point to.

I have 3 thermostats and I get this same problem if I change my thermostats too often. My oauth consent screen is in production. It’s most noticable when I’m modifying my scenes and it can’t keep up, but sometimes it just gets rate limited when activating a scene so I just change it manually on the wall. I hope it gets fixed soon!

I’m having this issue as well. Any update? Its completely unusable. Yes Oauth consent is in Production.

Failed to call service climate/set_temperature. Error setting HVAC mode: Error from API: 400: FAILED_PRECONDITION: sdm.devices.commands.ThermostatTemperatureSetpoint.SetRange command not allowed in current thermostat mode.: Bad Request

Your error has a different error message. It sounds like its trying to set a temperate but its not in the right mode to allow doing that. I think it would be helpful if you filed a github issue with more detail, including diagnostics information about the current made and a little more detail on whaat you are doing in the UI that results in this error. I can follow up with you if you fill it out in git hub and it will be routed to me.

Same error happening here. Is there a fix?

Failed to start WebRTC stream: Nest API error: Error from API: 429: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Rate limited for the ExecuteDeviceCommand API for the user.: Too Many Requests

I’m also getting this error constantly and it’s really getting to be a problem with several of my critical scripts that fail early in the script because of errors with this API. I’m in production and I’m not changing the settings every minute, I don’t understand why I would get rate limited unless I was trying to change the thermostat repeatedly all day.

Failed to call service climate/set_temperature. Error setting climate.hallway temperature to {'entity_id': ['climate.hallway'], 'temperature': 22.77777777777778}: Error from API: 429: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Rate limited for the SetThermostatTemperatureHeat command for the user.: Too Many Requests

This still seems to be an issue - was anyone able to resolve it?

I got tired of the constant issues and ripped it out and put in a Honeywell T6 instead, no more problems. I know that’s not a direct answer to your question but Google really messed up the Nest API, it’s not really HA’s fault.

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Got it, thanks!