Netatmo_event never fires

Please set the log level for the Netatmo integration to info and check of the webhook registers correctly.

I believe I see it registered. (thanks for helping me out @cgtobi by the way! Appreciate it a lot!)

netatmo log

I don’t think so. At least not from what can be seen in your screenshots.

The line in the logs should be something like:

hass[11732]: 2021-12-22 13:28:09 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo] Register Netatmo webhook:
hass[11732]: 2021-12-22 13:37:02 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] Netatmo webhook successfully registered

In the app screen on the dev site of Netatmo, you should also see whether your webhook is correctly registered or not.

When I had troubles, I had the following automation in place to see what was happening:

alias: Netatmo to log (ALL EVENTS)
description: Log all Netatmo events to system log
  - event_data: {}
    event_type: netatmo_event
    platform: event
condition: []
  - service: system_log.write
      message: 'contenu: {{ }}'
      level: warning
      logger: netatmo_event
mode: parallel
max: 10

On dev site Netatmo I can see a green “v” icon

input fields redirect URL and webhook url could remain empty fron what I understood?

Right, I indeed couldn’t find that in my logs.

Am I missing some extra code in my configuration.yaml to register that netatmo webhook? In fact the Netatmo integration is running fine, my netatmo thermostats and camera are working fine too in Home Assistant.

No, just go to the services tab and trigger the netatmo.register_webhook service.

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It’s always unregistering for some reason, after it got registered?
I googled, found this Netatmo webhook unregisters immediately after registration, and double checked if I had done that. And I did.
trusted procies

I can’t find where I’m going wrong…

Actually it never registers successfully.

You also have to set the external URL in the general settings.

Yep, external URL was/is set correctly. For a while already we’re only using Home Assistant over the external url, and also with the mobile app. Successfully.

Just to double check, I perhaps might have put the wrong adress here. That trusted_proxies value I have in my configuration.yanl, should be what exactly? internal documentation for NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on is unclear or incorrect? · Issue #2152 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub

The internal IP adress of my main router, the public WAN IP adress, etc.?

Under trusted_proxies you ought to enter for example the ip of your reverse proxy.

Ok, my trusted_proxies value seemed to be correct all along, when I changed it to something else I couldn’t reach Home Assistant trough the external URL anymore. So that curretn value probably corresponds with my nginx reverse proxy

I’m getting an unspecified error when I call the service. Can’t see it appear in the logs. Hoped to learn more about the reason why…

This “unknown error” usually happens when the webhook is already registered. Please unregister manually (netatmo.unregister_webhook) and then try to register again.

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Excuse me for butting in, but my problem looks similar.
I’ve had Netatmo Camera webhooks running for years without problems, and suddenly it stopped.
I’ve verified the netatmo.developer page and my integration is active and ok.
If i use netatmo.unregister_webhook followed by netatmo.register_webhook everything checks out ok. All URLs are ok and has never been changed.
But using netatmo_event listener, never sees any events.
Any advice, please ?

Anyone had any luck?

I have the exact same problem, however, I never had it working.

How du you check the URL’s ? when I follow the link I’m just forwarded to the generals settings.
I am using duck DNS to generate my URL for external access.

I have the same problem, netatmo_event isn’t available. I tried everything, spent 8 hours on the issue. Nothing helps. Strange is the webhooks are working perfectly and I can see them in the DEBUG log. But not one netatmo_event is fired. I am very interested to solve the issue. There must be an issue in between webhooks and events. @cgtobi do you have an idea what I should try next?

The issue started for me, when I switch from yaml to the WebUI Integration.
Here is what I noticed: Netatmo camera webhook behaviour changed in December

Finally I am receiving events, in the Netatmo dev panel I had to fill redirect + webhook URL with my external address and now it’s working

Hi, how did you manage that?

This used to work for me a long time ago, but I’m unable to set it up again.
In my old app configuration, I had webhook URI configured to https://<dns_name>/api/webhook/, where did you get this from?

Thank you