Netatmo poll/refresh time is currently 10 minutes, ideally should be ~5 minutes

Aha! That was it! I blindly modified the file that you linked, but I had to actually change the main one in the root of folder /components/ - line 32:

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=10)

Changed that to 5 and behold, it works. :slight_smile:

Also worth nothing, in the climate netatmo module - the interval is set to 300 seconds, so correct (

Thanks for your help and suggestions! It now works great :slight_smile:


Great work. Did you submit a PR already?

No, I will try and get to it tomorrow. :slight_smile:

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Could you please tell how you get to the files inside installation?

@cgtobi I believe more recent installation still defaults to 10 mins, yes? How to change to less? Looks like the file structure has changed since this and my greps cannot find anything related to polling.

In my opinion the current polling intervals are sufficient and play by Netatmos rules, so I won’t be giving instructions on how to change this. Sorry to disappoint you.

Sufficient is highly subjective; they’re not sufficient for me as at times I have to wait 10 minutes for my automations to trigger because conditions resting on Netatmo.
I definitely wasn’t expecting this kind of answer.

I understand that this might not be satisfactory for you, but, to explain my standpoint, Netatmo has certain rate limits for their API which we are committed to follow. And about reducing the polling time for presumably weather sensors below 10 minutes wont change the reaction time on your end by what you might desire since, according to the Netatmo API documentation, data is only pushed to the server every 10 minutes.

Keep in mind that data are measured every 5 minutes by the modules and sent to the servers every 10 minutes.
Source: Netatmo API documentation

Netatmo appears to have made changes to their APIs and rate limits, allowing for much quicker polling of data. From the API documentation (emphasis mine):

As you can notice from the table below, data can be obtained from 2 endpoints: /gestationsdata & /homestatus. The difference between these 2 endpoints is that /getstationsdata retrieves data from the cloud where data are updated every 10min whereas /homestatus retrieves data from the devices and data are near realtime data (<10s).

The strange thing is that any documentation about using /homestatus appears to be missing in the Weather section, but glancing from other parts in the documentation, it’s not hard to use. As an example, this indeed retrieves data from my Weather Station (I obviously didn’t use a real home_id and token below):

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789|abcdef"

The question is: does this actually yield quicker updates than the Home Assistant integration currently allows? The answer is yes.

I tried this out by using the rest platform to create an entity with the API above, like so:

  - platform: rest
    name: Netatmo Temp Test
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    scan_interval: 60
      Authorization: >
        Bearer MY_KEY
    value_template: "{{ value_json['body']['home']['modules'][0]['Temperature'] }}"
    unique_id: 'some-unique-id'

I then put an electric heater in the same room as the Weather Station to increase the temperature quickly.

After waiting some time, I pulled up a graph in History, comparing the temperature reported through the official Netatmo Integration (blue line) and the sensor I just described (purple line).

As you can see below, the purple line updates more frequently and also shows more recent data, i.e. once the blue line finally updates at around 0:02, it reports a temperature that the purple line showed 12 minutes earlier. At 0:12, the blue line again is still playing catch up.

It would be great if the official integration could be updated to take advantage of this (new rate limit for users appears to be 500 req/h, so there’s some space), but even if not, the rest platform is your friend. :blush:

Note: originally, I had set scan_interval to 15, but it looks like updates come in every minute, so changed it to 60 to prevent unnecessary calls.


This is excellent news, especially for monitoring electricity consumption more reliably.
With the official “home control” application, instantaneous consumption is refreshed every second, but with HA it’s every 10 minutes.

Example: if an appliance consumes 2000 watts for 4 seconds, HA indicates 2000 watts for 10 minutes. This is unusable and false.

With 500 requests per hour, even with a refresh every 10 seconds, there’s still some margin.

I’m not familiar with github and pull requests, but is anyone planning to do it?

It´s been a while since you posted this, but I am trying to achieve the same as you did when this was posted. Is this still working for you?

Today when I try to use getstationsdata on my weatherstation I get back the full listing from the cloud. But if i try to use homestatus, what I get back is:


in the next release the polling frequency will scale dynamically to make the most out of the possible request. This should be a big improvement especially for those who use a dev account. Dynamically adjust Netatmo polling frequency by cgtobi · Pull Request #106742 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Thanks a lot. I have a quick question before I start working on another PR for this:

Would it still additionally make sense to integrate the new /homestatus API (updates every 10 seconds instead of 10 minutes) for faster updates of weather data as mentioned above by @richardvinger ?

Hello and thanks for your great work with the Netatmo integration! I’m a Bticino gateway user with 60+ devices, 11 of them are power switches with energy monitor. I’m currently very frustrated by the limitation of the API as I can’t really use the energy monitor reliably.

I’ve looked everywhere on the netatmo’s dev forums and I found this article:

The post, by Netatmo dev, states that if there’s a single user in an app the limit is 2000 per hour and not 500.
Would it be possible to upscale further the polling rate with dev accounts?
Thanks in advance!


Yes, this is in the works.


And what do you think about leveraging that “new” /homestatus API mentioned further above?

/homestatus is already used

Sorry, I missed that it is now used by pyatmo in general, but I don’t see it being used to update weather entities. Or am I missing something?

But I guess any improvements regarding this should be made to pyatmo and not the Home Assistant integration as that just relies on the library to do the right thing, correct?

I stand corrected. I traced the usage of both API endpoints and figured out that both of them are actually used by pyatmo to update the Netatmo Module entities. There is even a function called normalize_weather_attributes to translate the returned values from the format of /getstationsdata to the format of /homestatus which is used internally. Thanks a lot @cgtobi!

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Hello, is there a way to manually edit the config file to force the 2000 polls before the update? I really need to overcome this limitation or my energy meters will not work well…