Network Issues started 1 week after setup

Hello All.

I am new to HA and HAOS. I set it up last week using the Virtual Box image. Setup was very smooth. I got everything working how I wanted and it was working all week.

about 2 days ago, i noticed the web browser and app stopped working. I reboot the VM and I was up and running again.

Yesterday, same thing, it stopped working. Reboot VM and still not working.

I tried some commands like network info which says:

I have VirtualBox Network Adapter setup as Bridged Adapter and using my ethernet adapter.

I am not sure what other information to share but let me know what is needed.

I just need to get better at searching. As always the search before i post found nothing, but the search after found this - No IP address showing - #7 by skull29 which had the fix i needed. All set!

Great you got it fixed and running again! :slight_smile: