Network Optics - Nx Witness VMS integration

Also some extra info for anyone trying to get Nx Witness camera streams into HA - here are some steps:

  • Create a ‘Digest’ user in Nx Witness with Live Viewer Access - instructions below are for version 5, but version 6 is similar:

  • Add a ‘Generic Camera’ device in HA using the following format for URLs:

  • Still Image URL - https://{server ip}:7001/ec2/cameraThumbnail?cameraId={camera id}&time=now

  • Stream Source URL - rtsp://{server ip}:7001/{camera id}?stream=1
    This is the low res stream - use stream=0 for high res

  • Choose ‘digest’ for authentication and enter the user/password you created earlier.

  • Make sure you uncheck the ‘Verify SSL certificate’ option unless you’re using a custom cert for your Nx Server.