New Add-on: Vantage Pro 2 MQTT (Deprecated)

Hi Marco,

I have a Davis Vantage Pro 2 for many years. The station has a the WeatherLink Data Logger 6510SER which is connected to a laptop with a Serial/USB cable.

Recently I have installed Home Assistant in a Raspberry Pi 4. I have several devices and everything works fine. But I haven’t completely mastered HA yet.

I would like now to connect my Davis station to Home Asssitant and for this I have installed your addon Vantage Pro2. I also bought an RS232 to ETH converter (Industrial RS232/RS485 to Ethernet Converter) because my station is not in the same room as the Rasberry.

Within the WaveShare configuration tool I have configured the RS232 port as follow:

  • IP adress:
  • Socket A parameters :
  • Work Mode: TCP Server
  • Local/Remote Portt num: 23

In HA I have configured the Vantage Pro2 addon as follow:

  • Protocol: Network
  • Host:
  • Davis WS model: Wantage Pro2
  • Interval: 30

Then I got the error: “Looks like the weather station isn’t reacting, try again.”

Could you help me to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Marco,
I have reinstalled and reconfigured the AddOn and also rebooted the RS233-ETH converter… it works! Weather values from my station are displayed in HA :slightly_smiling_face:
Many thanks for this AddOn

Hello Marco,

Totally new to HAOS, just installed it today.

Will your integration work with the WeatherLink LIVE console as well, or only with the WeatherLink IP dongle? I have both, but trying to deprecate the IP dongle.

Also, are the fields Rain Storm Start and Rain Storm Duration available?


Take a look at my reply a couple of comments back about the live console: New Add-on: Vantage Pro 2 MQTT (Deprecated) - #79 by mgosselink

The rain storm start and duration are not supported and will not be supported from this add-on as this add-on is deprecated. I will however see if I can add it to the Davis Vantage integration (which replaces the add-on). See 1st comment in this topic.

I’ve updated the Davis Vantage integration to v1.1.7 to include the Rain Storm and Rain Storm Start Date sensors.

Thanks Marco!

I’m looking forward to trying this out.

Hi Marco;

So, I installed your integration, but I get the following error, repeatedly:

“Looks like the weather station isn’t reacting, try again.”


Just to make sure, I have a Vantage Pro2 PLUS using the WeatherLink LIVE unit. I am entering :1111 as the IP address… also tried without port

I have an IPdongle as well. Tried it as well,

I have it showing online and LIVE on the WeatherLink App.


I don’t own a WeatherLink Live myself. By the looks of it the WeatherLink Live doesn’t have a port that’s communicating on serial level. So this integration will not work for you.

Hi Marco,

Like I said, I have both, a LIVE and one with an IP dongle. Both are IP based, not serial. Neither do connect to your integration.

Is port 1111 (as shown in the instructions) the correct port, or was that just an example?

As an aside, using another home automation system, (universal devices), I only have to enter the IP address to get to the LIVE, where as the IP dongle Version requested me to go to the WeatherLink server and use an API key…


Did you try port 22222?

Hi Marco,

So port 22222 worked on the IP Dongle. It still doesn’t work on LIVE.

But a direct connection to the Dongle is way better that via the WeatherLink server.

So we’ll keep it this way for now.

I’ll reach out to Davis and try to find out the differences between the two, which o suspect to be substantial.
