New aqara vibration / shock sensor

A pull requests has been merged. The question is if it made it into 0.80. Xiaomi documentation was updated as supported but code doesn’t seem to have made it into 0.80.

I didn’t realise that. In that case I’ll pull down the changes myself. It’s a cool device.

Did you get it to work? People using zigbe2mqtt and those using deconz seem to get it to work but I havent seen anyone having the new sensor with xiaomi hub / gateway getting it to work (not showing up although it is available in mi home app.).

I manually imported the 2 changed files from above PR to my HA test system and the new vibration binary sensor has shown up in HA.

It seems to be working (last action does, at least), but I’ll need to check further in the coming days.

And you are using the xiaomi gateway? Did you restart the gateway? How can I see on github which release a pull request was added to?

Usually it has a reference to another PR for the release itself, once it appears as merged.

Honestly that seems to be missing from this PR, so I’m not quite sure in which release this will actually be included, that’s why I decided to give it a try by myself.

The documentation has been added since 0.80. That’s why I thought the rest was added as well. But now I am unsure.

So can it detect vibration on a washing machine? I would love to stick one on the machine to detect is the machine still running or not.

While I’ve not tested that use case, I believe it should easily detect washing machine vibrations.


Why not detect it from a power monitor? There is sample code to create a template sensor based on power usage.

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I wanted to attach it to a washing machine however it would’t pick vibrations up most of the time, my washing machine is too still, I suppose… since I already have sensors for nearly everything and I have ran out of ideas I decided to attach it underneath the fridge door, so whenever it is opened my google home mini tells me random fat jokes


Ha ha ha! Thats one way to use it.

That’s actually brilliant!

Got this today, refreshes very quickly in the deconz-gateway when moving/tilting it, unfortunately the only thing that shows in HA so far is the battery level as a sensor, which is… not very useful for now. Will keep at it obviously…

For me I was hoping to stick it inside the bell of our doorbell to detect when someone rings the door, and trigger a camera - without getting a digital doorbell.

That’s not true, the information is available as events. Take a look at this

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Oh, sick, my bad! Thanks for the link. Will check out.

Do you have a spare xiaomi door / window sensor? If your doorbell is the electromagnetic kind (electromagnet activates to move the hammer against the chimes) then by carefully placing the sensor by the electromagnet you can be reliably notified of every doorbell press. Works great with my 10 year old bog-standard wired Siemens doorbell. I took the sensor itself out of the plastic casing to make it fit better.

No it’s entirely mechanical, thanks for the suggestion though, pretty neat idea!