New automations wont save

I am newish to HA, so forgive me if this is obvious, but I cannot figure what I have done wrong. I have a very basic HA setup running on a dedicated laptop with a few devices operating at this time including a Sonoff temp and humidity sensor and smart lightbulb running via the Tuya integration. These work well as standalone items in HA and can be added in a dashbord.

My goal is to build an automation to turn on the light when the humidity level exceeds a trigger. So I thought Settings>Automations would be the way to go.
I can get click on (+Create Automation) to define a new automation.
Create new automation, Start from scratch
When -
Device: Temp and humidity sensor
Trigger humidity changes
Above: 60%
Duration: 1 min
(No And if)
Then do -
Device: light
Action: Turn on
Brightness: 50

In theory that should be it, but if I click on the (Save) button, nothing happens.

I can view the details as YAML code which seems ok (although there is no name for the automation), but again clicking on save seems to do nothing.

The ellipse in the top right shows Information, Run, Rename, Duplicate, Disable and Delete in grey (i.e. not available)

I just dont understand what I have done wrong and why I cant save this or any other type of automation.

I have tried to check the YAML files using the Developer tools>YAML configuration reloading>ALL YAML CONFIGURATION and dont get any notification of any issue, just a green tick.

I cant determine if my HA configuration corrupt or I am just being dumb. Is there a basic automation I should be able to create to verify that my HA is configured correctly?

Thanks for any help or guidance you can offer.

Well shiver me timbers! I don’t know why, but all of a sudden the automations are now being saved. I am puzzled why it didn’t work before and now it has now started working, I guess I just needed to be a little patient. But as the saying goes, ‘All’s well that ends well.’

Hello Carlos,

I’m sure that can be done. Also having someone or something writing it for you means the second it misbehaves, you will be struggling back to find someone to fix it for you.
The best way to learn is to just keep trying. Run thru the docs on getting started with the automation editor. If you get stuck, come back with what you have done.

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How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

Many thanks. Fingers crossed, but I am happy to learn more.