You may not be happy with my solution, but I solved the same problem with mushroom using image instead icon and different images saved in HA’s “www” folder (each image has different border color) like so:
{% if states('person.myprecious')=='home' %}
{% elif states('person.myprecious')=='not_home' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Example of bred.png
1 Like
August 26, 2024, 11:27pm
Thank you, this is what i was thinking as well… Just wanted to see if anyone out there had any other suggestions. I will prob implement this though
August 27, 2024, 8:37am
Hi Romain,
can you give me the full syntax for a badge configuration in yaml-mode, please?
My old ones are of this syntax:
- entity: sensor.pool
name: Pool
display_type: complete
state_content: state
color: red
icon: mdi:thermometer
style: |
:host {
--label-badge-red: orange;
I don´t know how to start under badges…
August 28, 2024, 7:32am
I managed it myself…
- badges:
- type: custom:mushroom-template-badge
content: "{{ states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') }} °C"
label: Aussen
color: |
{% if states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 35 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 45 %} darkred
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 30 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 35 %} red
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 25 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 30 %} orange
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 20 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 25 %} yellow
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 10 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 20 %} green
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 5 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 10 %} grey
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= 0 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 5 %} cyan
{% elif states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float >= -5 and states('sensor.aussentemperatur_2') | float < 0 %} blue
{% else %} purple
{% endif %}
icon: mdi:thermometer
1 Like
I’m using iOS Themes what I need to do to make badges transparent as card below? Is it theme problem?
August 29, 2024, 7:46pm
I struggled also and I set on using the mushroom template card with renders like this and can be used as badges
The code for one of them is as follows, it’s possible to change, with card_mod, background color, shape, lines palcement, etc…
type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: '{{states(entity)|round(1)}}°C'
secondary: Intérieur
icon: mdi:home
icon_color: cornflowerblue
fill_container: false
layout: vertical
multiline_secondary: false
entity: sensor.temperature_interieure
action: more-info
style: |
ha-card {
--icon-size: 36px !important;
{% if (states(config.entity) | int(-1000) == -1000 ) -%} var(--disabled-color)
{% elif (states(config.entity) | float <= 8 ) -%} royalblue
{%- elif (states(config.entity) | float <= 17 ) -%} lightskyblue
{%- elif (states(config.entity) | float <= 18.5 ) -%} lightcyan
{%- elif (states(config.entity) | float <= 26 ) -%} var(--success-color)
{%- elif (states(config.entity) | float <= 28 ) -%} coral
{% else %} red
{% endif %};
width: 5rem !important;
height: 3rem !important;
--title-padding: 0px !important;
--chip-avatar-padding: 0px;
--spacing: 0px;
--card-primary-font-weight: 800;
--card-primary-font-size: 1rem;
--card-secondary-font-size: 0.9rem;
--card-primary-line-height: 20px;
--card-secondary-line-height: 20px;
1 Like
August 29, 2024, 7:50pm
With my post just before and mushroom-template-card you can make it transparent by setting the background color to rgba format, like rgba(1,1,1,0.2).
Maybe not the simplest solution though.
Yes I am hoping for a theme variable as well, I am trying to get less rounded corners
September 5, 2024, 1:12pm
Dont working for me ;-(
- type: custom:hui-state-badge-element
entity: alarm_control_panel.mieszkanie
name: Alarm
display_type: complete
style: |
:host {
{% if is_state('alarm_control_panel.mieszkanie', 'disarmed') %}
--label-badge-background-color: rgba(0,255,0,0.1);
--label-badge-red: green
{% else %}
--label-badge-background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.1);
--label-badge-red: red
{% endif %}
(Olivier Toussaint)
September 5, 2024, 3:55pm
It is only working in the full context. Is it in an entities card like mine?