New Bang Olufsen Masterlink Gateway / Beolink Gateway integration (MLGW/BLGW)

So here’s the problem … you are trying to detect Red after selecting TV, on the TV device. That event never goes on the bus because the TV looks at it and says “this is for me”. This is a known problem and unfortunately there is no workaround.
When the App sends the Red to the TV it goes to the mlgw and then gets forwarded to the TV so it does travel on the ML bus.

However, If you want to simply close the Apple TV when the TV set turns off you can listen to the Release command for TV.

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Ohh ok :smiley: that make sense :+1:

Hey Giovanni
I have noticed if i add my ip adress ( the beomaster 5 ip adress under mlgw setup
Then your netradio plugin shows in the beolink app. You cant do anything with it.
But would it be possible to make it show the Music files you have on your Home Assistant :thinking: this could be very Nice and maybe do something with a beo6.

That is interesting. I have no idea how that would work though, I don’t have a beomaster 5… :slight_smile:

Hey just so that you know, I made some improvements to the code to avoid random duplicative discovery if the integration is already installed. Just need to re-install the integration and restart HA.

Does anyone know if there is a workaround, so that HA listen for 2 events to start an automation
In AMEM if you press 1 and one sec after press 2 (the number 12) then it starts a Automation.

As it is now it is limited from 0-9, it could be nice if you could make more then 10 radio stations/playlist’s

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You could probably bang something together with an input entity, the time trigger, and a condition on the “2” trigger based on the previous digit if it was within a certain time limit.

By the way , there is a new version of the plugin in the works that increases reliability significantly and adds a lot of new features.

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yeah maybe :slight_smile: i can’t figure this out :frowning: so i hoped that there where somebody who has cracked the “code”

Just an announcement here, v2023.2.1 is a major release. It significantly improves the reliability of the plugin. Now, if MLGW will turn off or crash and restart, the plugin will automatically reconnect. Also, the code is significantly improved to be faster, for example the updates to icons and names of radio stations happen immediately.

This version also includes Trigger and Action shortcuts to make MLGW devices easier to configure in Automations in Home Assistant.

In addition, the way that Light notifications are sent changed: instead of being sent to a given Room= number, the actual name of the room is used. This may require you to update your automations that use Light signals. In addition, messages now also include the friendly name and entity name of the devices involved, to make it easier to write automations.

Finally, cleanup, refactoring, simplification and overall code maintenance to make it compliant with newer Home Assistant coding standards.

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Hey Giovanni :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for your hard work, im sure there are many who appreciate this :+1:


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I like the new feature for pictures on radio stations. I have my Apple TV on the TV button, i noticed that the MLGW send the “channel” no. 255 is it possible in the future to have the same function on the TV as on the RADIO

Hi Thomas

I was actually thinking to build something like that.

Can you send me your configuration so I understand how the TV source is setup?
just http: http://MLGW_IP/mlgwpservices.json

Yeah :slight_smile: an e-mail or just the text here?

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Hi Giovanni, thanks for your great work on this!

I was just wondering if there was a way to avoid state duplication in a system with 2 gateway’s and therefore two Video Masters (BLGW at one end of the house, and MLGW at the other).

I tried different option settings on the products, and the two Video Masters are at different mln addresses, but there’s still a state duplication for shared sources.

e.g. if I select TV in the bedroom (BV10, BS Overture, BLGW), then HA registers it as active, but also the BS3 (+ BS3200 & MLGW) in the living room as active.
In this case, the BS3 doesn’t actually turn on, but turning the BS3 off in HA will turn off the BV10 too.

I know that not having a fully wired ML system is to blame, but it’s unfornately not an option where I am.

Am I missing a simple setting? Otherwise, is there a way to incorporate a MLN check for the status within HA?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @Ossendjiver !

I think you are the first person who is using the plugin with 2 gateways. You are right. The two devices should be completely independent.
Enable debug logs in configuration.yaml

  default: warning
    custom_components.mlgw: debug

After editing configuration.yaml, restart home assistant, the plugins will spit out the configuration. Then try the scenario you described. Then Can you send me the debug logs


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Haha I guess it’s a fairly niche implementation.
Below is the log; I turn on the BV10 with a Beo4, I guess the BS3 is flagged as on (but does not turn on) when the status signals comes through. Then turn off the BS3 through HA, and the BV10 is turned off as well. After that, I turned on the BS3 with Beo5 just for reference.

dual-mlgw-home-assistant-2 -

Hi Giovanni
So I discovered your incredible implementation and I can only be very impressed! :open_mouth:
After searching for a long time everywhere, I stay with some probably trivial questions:
• the sources dropdown lists of the Mini Media Player seem to contain the corresponding number of choices but they stay blank and their selection doesn’t have any effect: see attached screenshot and the corresponding Room/Device/Radio-favourites in the BeoLink app
• I suppose the selection of radio channels by their number or by favourite-shortcut is not possible?
Thanks for your feedback!

Hi hi! thanks for the kudos!
That’s weird. Can you send me the file:

where you need to replace with the IP address of your MLGW/BLGW.
