New "Basic CC" entity

Try enabling it and then deleting it.

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Glad this thread is here.


Just another data point. I’m one of the more casual non-expert HA users.

I have an automation that looks for lights that are on and reports which ones are one via TTS.

Now it does this:

Condition: {{ states.light|selectattr('state','equalto','on')|list|length > 0 }}
Message: {{ states.light|selectattr('state','equalto','on')|map(attribute='name')|list|join(', ')  }}

Resulting in:

Condition: True
Message: Living room cans Basic, Cabinet lights Basic, Wall Splash Basic, Family Room cans Basic, 2nd Bath Fan Basic

None of those are on, of course.

I can disable the _basic entities, but I find it a bit confusing as it seems like I have duplicate light entities and they are reporting as being on when they are not.

Here’s two of those entities for comparison:

Am I using the wrong approach to find if any lights are on and then displaying their names?

Just disable the _basic lights.

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Me Too! Was wondering what was going on. :slight_smile: