New Bluetooth/Switchbot integration very slow home assistant

Hej, I’m rather a noob compared to this level of discussion. Therefore, sorry in beforehand for my question.

I run HA on a Raspberry PI 4. I’ve recently purchased 3 SwitchBot temperature and humidity sensors. They are recognized by the SwitchBot integration right away IF they are in distance of 1 to 2 meters away from the PI. One of the sensors is now outside but 3 meters away from the PI. One is in the next room 2-3 meters away and the third one is in the room after 5 meters away. None of the sensors is recognized by HA anymore. Not even once in 24h. My iPhone 12 Pro Max recognizes all three sensors every time within 5s max.

After the discussion here, I’m looking at purchasing the FSC-BP119 from Feasycom.

Now my question. Is the installation of the FSC-BP119 from Feasycom plug and play? Meaning, connecting it to the RPI4, reboot and it works?

Thank you in advance!

Plug in the new adapter, it should be discovered on the intergrations screen. Click to configure it.

Disable the old adapter config entry so you aren’t using the slower built-in one as well

i have switchbot curtains set up with a supported bluetooth dongle. the first connection to the curtains often takes ages but once that is done the curtains then respond rapidly. is there a solution? ty

Please see the section in the Bluetooth docs about improving connection times