@Ariel_Marcelo_Madril from the debug dumps posted on this github project looks like with it might be possible to query (or receive via the websocket) the state of the device, but this is just a theory i’m really not planning to work on this right now (and duplicate the work of @beveradb).
as weird as it might sound i have 0 access to the router at the place i’m renting right now, meaning i have to switch the sonoff devices back and forward between router and some local laptop AP, therefore this makes developing quite tedious in my case
i’m thinking that in the future i could have a hybrid mode and make some of best worlds: cloud access (like it’s currently right now) that’ll will have support for more devices and also will automatically setup devices (by pulling the last known devices IPs) for lan mode (as fallback)… then again, just an idea, but this definitely brings new light to the “sonoff original firmware” approach