New Custom Compontent - Image Processing - Object Detection - DOODS

I still get many false detection with tensorflow type, can we use other libraries, like these: ? I had with tensorflow faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco model, but had better detection.
But it is a very good component for HA, easy to use!

Great question. I just tried this yesterday and couldn’t get it to work. I probably missed something simple though.
I’ll have to sit down and try again.

I’m using the V2 edgetpu coco model with a coral on a pi4. Detection times are in the 0.01 to 0.02 sec range, but i can’t say it is any more accurate. It is convinced my weber grill and my neighbor’s super beetle are people.

Nonetheless, i love this thing. What a cool integration. I have it setup run through like five detections when my hikvision cams trigger on motion. I put a cool down in there to keep it from running away from me, but all in all, the pi handles it like a champ.

Edit: per how i got it working, i simply downloaded the model and labels files, then made sure to bind them to the container:

One thing i’ve noticed since switching to the coral: when i restart the pi, the doods container bugs out and responds to each service call with a 404. From the logs it looks like it is because it can’t find the coral. A restart of the container and it is back up and running.

Anyone else see this?


@snowzach: i really like doods & the way you packaged!

  • works out of the box
  • REST API + pydoods allows testing, e.g. model performance
  • (somewhat) good documented samples how to get it working

I have it running, meanwhile with edgeTPU (dump idea) - still some questions:

  • for permanent monitoring a scan_interval =1 or smaller will require HW acceleration (or a weak model)
  • Coral Edge TPU doesn’t seem worth its money for this. Its very quick, but snowzach is right - its just to unreliable with the models supported
  • Trigger doods based on cam motion alert - start detection / recording - I don’t see how that would work, as its involving doods ‘after the fact’ only?
  • I’m imagining a 24/7 stream detection as alternative (also would make a nice showcase) - anybody went down that path? I know its going to lean heavy on the HW.
  • Nvidia GPU acceleration feels like best model support. Anybody has that running with a ‘budget’ card?
  • faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco seems to have better detection - but is in the 15s+ on my j4105 CPU
  • Doods doesn’t take rtsp streams - only still images, right?

Would be very cool to move the ‘draw rectangle’ function into the container. That would allow easy testing of models via RESTApi. Alternativly a pydoods sample on how to test & draw the resulting rectangles in python afterwards might be nice.
Do you accept contributions?

Where I’m coming from:

  • Couple of foscam & new reolink around the house
  • Motion detection of cameras to FTP
  • Postprocessing with OpenCv: compare n-1 + n image, convert both to b&w, highlight brightness differences, define min / max rectange size, mask areas = filter down pictures by ~75%)
  • Tried to train custom model, liked Google Collabs, but the effort (per cam?) kills my available time. Models / code still seem to change


Posting some files as I always enjoy others showing stuff that works well for them.

Supersimple test - takes filename, returns result. Missing rectangle drawing:

cat /root/doods/
#! /usr/bin/python3

from pydoods import PyDOODS
import sys
import json

pd = PyDOODS(“”,
auth_key=“abc1234”, timeout=90)
except OSError as err:
print(“OS error: {0}”.format(err))
#image = open(“grace_hopper.png”, “rb”).read()
image = open(sys.argv[1], “rb”).read()

dconfig[“car”] = 20
dconfig[“person”] = 10

result=pd.detect(image, dconfig, detector_name)
print(json.dumps(result, indent=2, sort_keys=True))

Dockerfile + docker-compose.yml

cat Dockerfile
FROM snowzach/doods:latest

RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install vim
RUN wget
RUN . ./


cat docker-compose.yml
version: ‘2.4’

container_name: iot-home-assistant-doods
image: iot-home-assistant-doods
build: ./

     - ./config/opt/doods/config.yaml:/opt/doods/config.yaml

    - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
  privileged: true

   - 8080:8080

  cpus: 2

I’ve got a silly question. What should I do to pass Coral accelerator to the DOODS docker ( add-on) when I’m running it on HassOS?

I’m getting following error in DOODS add-on logs:

2020-08-08T16:11:38.348Z ERROR detector/detector.go:73 Could not initialize detector mobilenet: could not initialize edgetpu /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-4.1 {“package”: “detector”}

I’m running HassOS with DOODS add-on under PROXMOX VE with USB passthrough enabled.

Ok, I managed to set it up by passing not USB port but specific device to my VM. Sorry, for the hassle.

Anyways, I’m not sure how to make add-on restart itself if it’s being stopped by detector timeout. I’m not sure why that happens to me almost instantly after it detects an object.
I’m using only ‘person’ label, one tflite EdgeTPU detector and one camera/image_processing integration.

Sorry for potentially being a bit stupid, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get a snapshot taken, and getting DOODS to process that file on disk?

I’m using the latest docker image, with the below as my config.

I do have another automation that runs on motion (PIR) and saves 7 snapshots to disk (1 sec apart), and that gives me what I want to process, but how do I point DOODS to these snapshots on disk?

  - platform: doods
    scan_interval: 10000
    url: ""
    timeout: 60
    detector: tensorflow #default
      - entity_id: camera.entrance_camera
      - "/share/motioneye/Camera2/{{ camera_entity.split('.')[1] }}_latest.jpg"
      - "/share/motioneye/Camera2/{{ camera_entity.split('.')[1] }}_{{ now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') }}.jpg"
    confidence: 50
    # This global detection area is required for all labels
    # area:
    #   # Exclude top 10% of image
    #   top: 0.1
    #   # Exclude right 5% of image
    #   right: 0.95
    #   # The entire detection must be inside this box
    #   covers: true
      - name: person
        confidence: 70
          # Exclude right 15% of image
          right: 0.85
          # Exclude left 25% of image
          left: 0.25
          #Exclude bottom 20% of image
          bottom: 0.8
          # Any part of the detection inside this area will trigger
          covers: false
      - name: dog
          # Exclude top 50% of image
          top: 0.5
          # Exclude right 15% of image
          right: 0.85
          # Exclude left 25% of image
          left: 0.25
          # All part of the detection inside this area will trigger
          covers: true
      - bird

I’ve done it by setting up a snapshot “camera” (like this), and using the same path in a snapshot command.

Doods is set up with that as one option, and I call that for processing.

I’ve just set up DOODS myself and those file_out files are only output once DOODS has processed the images and actually spotted something. By that I mean, if DOODS has detected (in your case) a person, dog or bird then it will output a file with the camera entity name appended with either “latest.jpg” or the time and date stamp.

You have your output files pointing at what looks like a specific camera folder, whereas the documentation here suggests outputting those files to the /tmp directory. Obviously this is a personal choice but is worth noting.

So, the configuration that you have provided is for image processing to utilise once DOODS has spotted something that matches your parameters (ie. the object is in the right area and DOODS is confident enough).

What I would suggest is, rather than having 7 snapshots sent to the disk, you have an automation that triggers DOODS to carry out image processing once motion is detected. This is what I’m currently using to do just that:

- id: '1596819411241'
  alias: Driveway Person Detection
  description: Run image processing when movement is seen on the driveway
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_driveway
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ ( as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(state_attr(''automation.driveway_person_detection'',
      ''last_triggered'')) |int(0) ) > 300 }}'
  - data: {}
    entity_id: image_processing.doods_driveway
    service: python_script.driveway_doods
  mode: single

So when my driveway motion sensor changes state from off to on (ie. movement is detected) and the automation hasn’t run in the last 5 minutes (personal preference) it then carries out the action (in my case, I have a Python script).
For your use case you could simply have multiple actions to trigger image processing 7 times with a one second delay between each action. For example:

EDIT: I’ve just spotted Tinkerer’s method above regarding snapshots which I somehow completely missed(!) so please feel free to ignore me! :man_facepalming:

Hopefully an easy question from me - Is there a way for DOODS to output an image that is just the object it has detected (ie. the box it has drawn around a person)? I’ve got Home Assistant to send me the “xxx_latest.jpg” image as an iOS notification but obviously the image is of the whole camera view with the boxes drawn around them, which isn’t super helpful for the little thumbnail in the iOS notification!

Thanks in advance :smiley:

That’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

So to take a snapshop, you just call that snapshot command. If you want 10 snapshots, you just call that command 10 times which would fire the snapshot camera 10 times, and process it using DOODS 10 times? That’s cool.

So the next question would be if I may:
Is there a way to queue these up? I want to run this multiple times, 1 second apart. I don’t want to wait for the previous snapshot to be processed before taking the next snapshot. I basically want to take my 7 snapshots 1 second apart, and process them in parallel as soon as each of those snapshots are ready to be processed. DOODS can then come back to me once it’s done. At least I won’t miss a frame/snapshot as such.

I feel that if I run it as per your example, I would call the snapshot, it would say take 3 seconds round trip (which includes DOODS processing), then take another snapshot, and I’d have missed things happening in between.

We almost need a ‘watch’ folder for DOODS, and we can just dump files in there to be processed, and DOODS updates after each file update.

Thanks for your time!

Hey, thanks for answering.

I have it set up with the automation, to do as you suggested currently, but it can only take and process a snapshot, then take the next.

Using the automation, it will take longer than a second before it can take the next snapshot, so I will have a snapshot say every 3 seconds, which means I have missed things happening in between.

Heh the reason I’m going to a camera folder is, I have jerry rigged Motion Eye as a viewer of all these files. It handles the cleanup for me, and I can easily view all my snapshots from Home Assistant by day etc. :slight_smile: Is there a better way to have all that handled that I may have missed?

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Hi Guys,

Been tinkering a bit more recently, and found that my objects are all being mislabeled. I tried switching the labels files around, but they are identical, other than the one has a line number on the start of the file. I’m not sure why this is happening. Could it be when the models file was updated on Jun 24 (I think that was mentioned above as a comment in this thread, look for Jun 24 in here for further info). Maybe the model was updated, but we don’t have the latest labels for it?

Dog is now a person, a light is a fire hydrant, and my car is a motor cycle.

Any help would be appreciated.

  level: debug
  port: 8124
    - name: tensorflow
      type: tensorflow
      modelFile: models/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28.pb
      labelFile: models/coco_labels0.txt
      width: 224
      height: 224
      numThreads: 0
      numConcurrent: 4 

And my labels (both files identical other than the one has the index on the left, I tried both, one detects completely wrong, and the otherone detects person, but can’t detect anything else, gives me warning missing label.

0  person
1  bicycle
2  car
3  motorcycle
4  airplane
5  bus
6  train
7  truck
8  boat
9  traffic light
10  fire hydrant
12  stop sign
13  parking meter
14  bench
15  bird
16  cat
17  dog
18  horse
19  sheep
20  cow
21  elephant
22  bear
23  zebra
24  giraffe
26  backpack
27  umbrella
30  handbag
31  tie
32  suitcase
33  frisbee
34  skis
35  snowboard
36  sports ball
37  kite
38  baseball bat
39  baseball glove
40  skateboard
41  surfboard
42  tennis racket
43  bottle
45  wine glass
46  cup
47  fork
48  knife
49  spoon
50  bowl
51  banana
52  apple
53  sandwich
54  orange
55  broccoli
56  carrot
57  hot dog
58  pizza
59  donut
60  cake
61  chair
62  couch
63  potted plant
64  bed
66  dining table
69  toilet
71  tv
72  laptop
73  mouse
74  remote
75  keyboard
76  cell phone
77  microwave
78  oven
79  toaster
80  sink
81  refrigerator
83  book
84  clock
85  vase
86  scissors
87  teddy bear
88  hair drier
89  toothbrush

Have you tried downloading your own model files from google and just using those? It is a pretty painless process and would at least let you rule out the model being an issue. I assume you’ve also added the labels you’re most interested in to the yaml config of the image processor in home assistant configuration.yaml? I only get results on people because I only have the person label in my config:

  - platform: doods
    scan_interval: 10000
    url: ""
    timeout: 60
    detector: edgetpu
      - entity_id: camera.camera_back_porch
        name: DOODS - Back Porch      
    confidence: 55
      - "/config/www/doods_back_porch.jpg"
      - "/config/www/doods_latest.jpg"
      left: 0.1
      right: 0.9
      - name: person

I could be completely wrong (so someone can feel free to correct me) but I was under the impression that you can send snapshots to DOODS in quick succession (ie. every second) and DOODS will process each image sequentially (ie. in the order that they arrived). The amount of time that DOODS takes to process those images may take a few seconds but the results would be the same I’d have thought? By that I mean that you send DOODS 3 snapshots in 3 seconds, it may take 3 seconds to process each snapshot but the DOODS entity in Home Assistant will change its state should any of those snapshots contain a recognised object?

Cleanup with Motion Eye probably makes sense, the only other way I could think of doing it would be via a cron on the host OS (depending on how you’re running HA). But I’d stick with what you’re doing if it works for you to be fair!

Heh, I tried to find models, but I found it more complicated than it needs to be. So, I’ve found a whole pile of model files on Which ones should I use? Is there a guide on what to look for, or which types? So say I’ve now found a model file, where do I find the labels for that model file? I haven’t been able to find any labels on at all?

I also checked the file to see where they get the labels, and the model comes from tfhub, but the labels come from some gist on the net. That’s why I’m having my doubts about the model and labels ‘ligning up’ correctly…

I’d be a lot more confident in this all if I could go to a page where you can fine the model, and the labels for that exact model file. Only then would it rule out that as the issue.

Heh, I’m new to TensorFlow, and have never played with AI, NNs, and such, so maybe I’m sounding very silly, but I’m pretty sure more people would have these questions?

As for the labels in HA, at first I entered person, dog, bird. Those led to no detections, so I thought ok, let’s remove those, so that it detects everything, and see what the labels that gets assigned are. Yup, it detected those things as completely different things.

Thanks guys!

Edit: Can you give me an idea of what to search for specifically? I want to use tensorflow, not tf lite, or anything else. I’m running this on a reasonably grunty workstation pc.

I can’t offer much help here. I’m using a coral, and google makes the models and label files easy to find and compare. I assumed there’d be something similar for other tensorflow models.

I really have no idea what i’m doing. I managed to figure out how to get docker up and running on a pi4, then poked around for a few days until i figured out one can map directories to containers. Then i reread the doods documentation like 50 times until it clicked that I can download something called a model file and something called a label file, put it in a folder, and point the container at it. Last i figured out that a simple yaml file in that directory then tells the container about the new model files.

So i think the hard part for you is figuring out what makes for a good model, get one that either has a label file or doesn’t need one (i think some dont, like the MobileNet SSD v2 model). After that, pointing the container to it is easy.

DOODS absolutely looks really interesting, THANKS, and I’m looking forward to replacing parts of my current BASH/Python surveillance camera workflow with it.

Before doing so - any of you experienced, or have deeper insight in why the Coral USBs can befome unresponsive/crash and the LED on them flash either rapidly or slowly ? Giving errors such as
RuntimeError: Error in device opening (/sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1.4)
when doing object detection? (need unplugging to wake up again)

(I’m running on a i3 “NUC-alike” PC USB 3 port (MSI Cubi), expect enough power on the port, which could be the reason for it to happen. Also been doing what I can to secure mutex on the Coral). The EdgeTPU driver reports:

Edge TPU Driver version: BuildLabel(COMPILER=5.4.0 20160609,DATE=redacted,TIME=redacted,CL_NUMBER=317268237), RuntimeVersion(13).

Will I see the same trouble with the Coral USB when using DOODS ?


i have the same problem. Using a Raspi 4 4GB with hassio. The default models are a bit to inacurate and the inception models won’t work.
have you found a better solution beside the default models?

I’ve started going down the TensorFlow2 avenue.

I liked DOODS because I could run it on another of my servers, but it’s making things hard to get going, so now I’m trying out the TensorFlow integration to see how that’s going. It has also been a little hit and miss, heh, so we’ll see in the next couple of weeks what the outcome of this experiment is.