New CustomUI features

Yes thank you! My light sliders work as expected now

@andrey - any way to hide the title for the group in the attached image? Right now it takes up too much space and adds no value. Thanks in advance!

You mean the “Doors & Locks”?

This should be a Core UI feature.

Thanks for the quick response. Yes-doors & locks. Do you mean I can already hide it in home assistant or that this is not functionality your custom ui should contain? You currently hide the group tile for badge groups. I’d like the same for all groups. Thanks.

I’ll experiment with adding this as core feature

Awesome, thank you - I also just discovered that you can basically get the effect as follows (a hack, but it will do for now until it gets officially added):

    name: ' ' # combined with "control: hidden", this mostly hides the header
    control: hidden