New CustomUI release

well, if you read the docs its all covered. And done automatically…

Assumed nothing, just trying to help you. And answering some questions that seem to indicate you didn’t read the docs carefully enough.

Doesn’t matter you’ve got it working, which is cool. Each has gone his/her way in learning HA.

With the post above, I tried to answer some further questions on how to organize the files in a more structured manner. You don’t have to. I strongly advise you to do so though, because if you write it all in your configuration.yaml, you’ll soon have errors and your config won’t load…

Using Hassio also, don’t understand what you say here. Again, follow @andrey’s instructions and it all will work just fine.

If your not prepared to try and learn, logging in through SSH in this case, you’ll have a hard time coming.
So install some of the add-ons (most importantly Samba and SSH) and learn how to use these, to login in, share your config and edit/move/delete files.
