New google_assistant component

I forgot to change my project ID in configuration.yml. Thanks!

where is it?

It’s the project id from the Google developer console.

yep I got that.

Still it says Succesfully linked, it goes to the Room page and … nothing, it will not link

Sounds like a different issue than I had. Best of luck.

I had to change project id. But still not working

I’ve got the same problem - “missing project id in redirect URL”

So this is what I set up in configuation.yaml: (I have modified the values for each item)
project_id: noway-kose-191215
access_token: xHe4ST1yNom4NJlAor8m7wXg

The project id is the one generated by Google.
The client id is the OAuth client id generated by Google
The access token is the client secret generated by Google when I generated the OAuth ID.

I have this Authorization URL specified in the Account linking section for my app:

I don’t know:
(1) if I should be using an internal IP address here
(2) if https and port 8123 makes sense (wouldn’t https default to port 443?)

Can anyone put me straight on which values should be using? is not a valid routable IP address, you need to use your external IP address or dynamic domain name (ie DuckDNS).

Where to find the access_token?

Per the instructions:

It’s very important that you use very long strings for client_id and access_token. Those are essentially the credentials to your Home Assistant instance. You can generate them with the following command:

cat /dev/urandom | fold -w 120 | head -n 1 | base64 -w 0 | tr -dc '0-9A-Za-z' | cut -c -80

If you’re not using Linux, you can use sites such as this one to generate a random string (containing mixed case letters and numbers) of up to 80 characters.

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I also followed the instructions and failed to get it running. In google home I can select the newly created service but it runs into an 500 error.

reading through some threads, solutions revolved around auth codes, ports etc but it did not help.

what helped though, was to get rid of the api_password within the url. Is the component page outdated regarding this? I mean, i have a defined api_password within the config yaml for http access, but somehow it just breaks the component when being added to to google developer console as instructed.

apparently the google api does not require the HASS api_password, in fact it just confuses google home…

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It’s really funny you say that!
When I installed Caddy, I had to change the Port number and I also noticed the API password was referenced in the URL but wasn’t ‘there’ just as you found… and it wouldn’t work until I only changed the port number.
I think with the other stuff you set up with Google it doesn’t need the API password… Dunno.