New Harmony Problem in 0.85: HASSIO looses connection after a while


Call the service remote.harmony_sync with the name of your hub.

You can add that to anywhere that lets you create a button with a tap_action or hold_action of “service”

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thanks for the tip, I am now trying this automation:

- alias: Harmony monitor
    platform: state
    entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
    to: 'unavailable'
    - service: notify.pushbullet
        message: >
          Harmony is {{ states('remote.harmony_hub') }}, trying to sync
    - service: remote.harmony_sync
- service: remote.harmony_sync
    entity_id: remote.harmony_hub


you have 2 times a service call? isnt that wrong? or not necesarry?

i think it needs to be changed to :slight_smile:

- alias: Harmony monitor
    platform: state
    entity_id: remote.harmony
    to: 'unavailable'
    - service: notify.html5
        message: >
          Harmony is {{ states('remote.harmony') }}, trying to sync
    - service: remote.harmony_sync
      entity_id: remote.harmony
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haha thats right, my actual automation is correct, I messed up when I edited the post :sweat_smile:

Automation need to be fine tune tho, it doesn’t work every time…

well, for the moment , not an isssue yet, installed 85.1 yesterday, all stable here
have fixed ip for my harmony in config file
but hassio not running 24 hours yet :slight_smile:

same for me, harmony disconnects at random after a while…
What could be the root cause here ?

So far the automation works, but still there is a root problem. I get the following: Connection timed for hub 9538068

Never got this before 0.85.

I’m running 0.85.1 and I am also seeing my harmony stop working after some time. This is the 2nd time it has happened in the past few days.

I see this in the log file:
ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector] Connection timed for hub 12065580

I also see that the Harmony Hub is unavailable:

Yes, I’ve been having the same issues as you and banging my head trying to figure out the issue. I’m running the XMPP beta firmware on the Harmony and HA 0.85.1. I’ve also noticed sometimes the remote.harmony_hub is turned off for some reason, and I have to enable it again in the Home Assistant UI.

Also probably unrelated but for some reason, all my automations that are tied to using the Harmony hub become disabled. I’m still trying to figure out why that happens.

ok, now also for first time i use websockets, also have the issue unavailable, never had this before on older api
but the automation a few post up did help me
i received a notification, “unavailable” from that automation
but what i CANTtell, is that it will be reconnected again , my automation did it
i recently upgraded to 86.1 from 84.2, so first time i use websockets

ok, now state unavailable 2 times in i think 5 min max

log here :

2019-01-25 09:59:33 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector] Connection timed for hub 10271701
2019-01-25 10:09:46 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector] Connection timed for hub 10271701
2019-01-25 10:09:49 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector] Exception trying to establish web socket connection for hub 10271701: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Host is unreachable]

ok, more and more websockets issues and unavailable states
going to load harmony as a custom component now from older release

The automation described a few posts above solved my problem, so it might be the easier thing to do, at least for now.

yes, automations works indeed, mine runs 10 times a day
i see on my remote now, i think when the automation runs … “pairing succesful”
never seen that before

it seems, that the automations-code will not work (for me)


  - alias: Harmony monitor
      platform: state
      entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      to: 'unavailable'
      - service: notify.pushbullet
          message: >
            Harmony is {{ states('remote.harmony_hub') }}, trying to sync
      - service: remote.harmony_sync
        entity_id: remote.harmony_hub

and i got this here
2021-03-03 12:46:16 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.harmonyclient] Unable to determine if XMPP is enabled: [Errno 113] Connect call failed (‘’, 5222)

ps: i need XMPP enabled.

Just Google on how to enable XMPP.

Even with XMPP enabled the harmony Hub seems to loose contact regularly.
Also with the App on my Android phone. Crappy firmware in the Hub?

XMAPP is enabled. need it for my KODI (Logitech-Bluetooth-Connection)

Crappy firmware in the Hub?
hmm, i dont know.

Remote: 4.15.280
Hub: 4.15.280
Nest: 1.1.4
HEOS: 1.1.7
Caseta: 1.3.2
RootCertificates: 1.1.10
Qivicon: 1.2.3

is the code for reconnect right?

  - alias: Harmony monitor
      platform: state
      entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      to: 'unavailable'
      - service: notify.pushbullet
          message: >
            Harmony is {{ states('remote.harmony_hub') }}, trying to sync
      - service: remote.harmony_sync
        entity_id: remote.harmony_hub

Hi there!
I have HA and a Harmony Hub for a while and discovered I can use them together.
But I’m in the same path as some of you: my hub is marked as unavailable while the green led is bright and I can see it through some other services but in HA.

I set an automation as proposed above; I only receive the notifications but the call to sync does not seem to have any effect. Even launch manually through the DevTools, the service has no success in reconnecting the hub in HA.

I don’t understand the statement “load harmony as a custom component”. Could someone using that solution explain it briefly to me (and others in the same situation?)
