New House - Existing Lorex DVR system, will it work?

I used this and just the last entry shows up in my entities. This is my lorex.yaml file

platform: ffmpeg
input: rtsp://USER:PWD@NVR_IP_ADD:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=6&subtype=1
name: CameraNameHere

platform: ffmpeg
input: rtsp://USER:PWD@NVR_IP_ADD:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=5&subtype=1
name: CameraNameHere

platform: ffmpeg
input: rtsp://USER:PWD@NVR_IP_ADD:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=4&subtype=1
name: CameraNameHere

platform: ffmpeg
input: rtsp://USER:PWD@NVR_IP_ADD:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=3&subtype=1
name: CameraNameHere

platform: ffmpeg
input: rtsp://USER:PWD@NVR_IP_ADD:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
name: CameraNameHere

platform: ffmpeg
input: rtsp://USER:PWD@NVR_IP_ADD:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=2&subtype=1
name: CameraNameHere

Any help would be deeply appreciated

I am in the same boat as you. Were you able to resolve it?

No, I only get one camera to work and its always the last one in my cameras. Yaml file.

Iā€™ve even tried this in my config.yaml, but with the same results.:exploding_head:

camera: !include lorex1.yaml
camera: !include lorex2.yaml
camera: !include lorex3.yaml
camera: !include lorex4.yaml
camera: !include lorex5.yaml
camera: !include lorex6.yaml

I conceded and I am finally using the Motion Eye Addon on HassIO :unamused:

Thanks for your message. Iā€™m going to give it a try. I have it loaded up but Iā€™m in the middle of changing my entire network system. All new managed switches an AP access points.
Until I receive another need managed switch I do not have network access to my NVR.
Next week?

How does the motion eye work with Lorex?


I have access to the Lorex NVR again. I have been going over motion eye but I canā€™t figure out the setup for a camera. Can you post your settings?

In Motion Eye --> Add Camera
Camera Type: Network Camera
URL: rtsp://YOUR_NVR_IP_ADDRESS:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
Password: YOUR_NVR_PWD

Once you type these in, it should take a moment or so to get the Camera feed populated as ā€œ(unknown) RTSP/TCP Cameraā€ with a dropdown menu including the UDP option. I am using the TCP option and I added all my cameras using the same settings. I am using MotionEye 0.4.2 and latest HassIO (I think is 0.93) on Ubuntu Linux LTS18.04. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.

Thanks for the info.
I have got everything set as you did and from the web setup of motioneye everything works.
However, when I ticked the (iframe) left panel option I get an error.
I did some searching and found the yaml for iframe motioneye. It fails to load. It only showes me my IP for home assistant.

title: motionEye
icon: mdi:cctv

HI @jaltman056

When you tried the config I gave you did, you monitor the logs and see something like this?

2019-06-03 20:31:59 WARNING (MainThread) [] Error starting FFmpeg.

2019-06-03 20:33:01 ERROR (MainThread) [haffmpeg.core] FFmpeg fails [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ā€˜ffmpegā€™: ā€˜ffmpegā€™

I tried my camera setup on my X86 install running on Ubuntu and got this error Iā€™m working through.

FYI, I found my answer hereā€¦

Once I installed it my cameras are working now.

I am using Hass.IO, so for me, all I did was install the montion eye addon and flip the switch on to show it in the sidebar, and I refreshed the page and viola! I am glad to know that your cameras now work!

@jaltman056, were you able to get this going without MotionEye?

Yes I did. Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t give you any feedback.

Motion Eye work very well with Lorex dvr. Too bad they just donā€™t support their products.

I see. No worries! Thank you.

@jaltman056 I finally got this working!

Hereā€™s what I changed -
Added this to -

javascript_version: latest


I have a cameras.yaml file, where I added these entries -

On my lovelace, I am using the following 6 cards -

camera: live
entity: camera.camera1
type: picture-entity

camera: live
entity: camera.camera2
type: picture-entity

camera: live
entity: camera.camera3
type: picture-entity

camera: live
entity: camera.camera4
type: picture-entity

camera: live
entity: camera.camera5
type: picture-entity

camera: live
entity: camera.camera6
type: picture-entity

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Did you put anything else anywhere as Im getting 2 errors

Component error: javascript_version - Integration javascript_version not found.
Component error: cameras - Integration cameras not found.

I have 2 Skyview cameras on a HView 8 channel DVR.

Do you know what Im doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance


  ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg

  javascript_version: latest


In my configuration.yaml

and the camera config is in my cameras.yaml file

Thanks that got rid of the errors.

Still no stream. I did notice that the names dont seem to match the cameras, is that correct ?

Where is the matching info for the camera names ie camera.camera1 as camera 1 is called cam1?



Does the stream run locally on a vlc player with the same rtsp link?

Hi, got it working. I found another url input like below and it worked. I now have similar screenshots and streams working in HA as above.


Thanks for your help

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