New image_processing custom component - HASS-Google-Vision

@giloris checkout esphome camera, note this is now off topic (HASS-Google-Vision)

I will try finding information to another help forum

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Hi, I have instal last home assistant version (0.115.2) and google vision dont work now !
I have thes errors lines :

  Platform error image_processing.google_vision - Error relocating /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grpc/_cython/ backtrace: symbol not found

Have you an idea ?

Appears a dependency got upgraded somewhere breaking the integration.
Sorry but I have too many projects to maintain and google vision is not a high priority, so unless someone wants to jump in with a fix I will archive this project on 1st Oct

Hi, with precedent home assistant version google vision will continue working ?

You should stick on a working version of HA if this is essential integration

Hi Rob,
Thank you for your answer.
If you had a little time to maintain the google vision application I would be really grateful to you because my project was working very well and amazon rekognition is less precise and does not recognize all of the objects. Suddenly my project is completely stopped

@giloris I can transfer the repo to you if you are willing to maintain it? I have no time

Ok Thank you. How do you send me it ?

Tbh it might be better if I keep ownership. What is your github username? Thanks

My github username is giloris1.

I have assigned the issue to you on github. Please work on a fix and discuss there. Ultimately you will create a PR to fix and I will review it.

Hi ,
A new version is planned on 07/10 (0.116 version). Can we hope that it works with this version?
I have the impression that all google integration no longer work (google cloud, google pub/sub, google vision …)

Please reference any relevant HA issues

Hi, new version today (0.115.4) resolved problem. It s ok now

I dont see anything in the release notes related to google integrations

This one affected google stuff

  • Pin gRPC to 1.31.0 to workaround amrv7 issues (@frenck - #40678)
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@robmarkcole thanks a million for this - installed it and it works a treat.
I had trouble with Deepstack AI (not the HASS integration piece, but getting the native windows version working) this was far simpler to get working.


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Hey Rob,
Is there a simple way to use the google vision OCR/Text Detection engine instead of the object engine by modifying this? I want to use a ESPCAM to read my water meter and use the google engine for the OCR detection and return the value as the state of the sensor…Or do you know a better way to do it?

@NK553 checkout my repo below. I found text extraction to be more challenging than expected, although if you have a physical dial (rather than digital) I will be more hopeful

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