New Integration: Grünbeck softliQ

All sensors defined in the configuration.yaml in my original post above (e.g. gruenbeck_weichwassermenge) show you the same values as your app, since they are coming in via MQTT. All sensors set up as utility meters can be set to any value you like with the service utility_meter.calibrate.

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Thanks for sharing! Unfortunately I am stuck with MQTT on IoBroker - Side. I always get this Error:

Is there anything I have to add within the MQTT Server settings in IoBroker? This is my setup right now:

You have to configure a user name and password in the MQTT Server. If you are using the Mosquitto add on in Home Assistant, add both in the configuration of the add on:

Then add the IP adress of your MQTT server (Home Assistant IP in case of the Mosquitto add on), the just created user name and the password to your iobroker mqtt settings:

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Thank you very much! Since the error remains I suppose there is a problem with the MQTT client on IoBroker side. I opened a ticked there.

I finally established a connection. The IoBroker client couldn’t handle special characters :slight_smile:

For me - the whole integration worked until the last 1-2 major HA updates. Now the sensors won’t update themselves anymore.
The MQTT message is delivered correct, but only once e.g. after a restart of HA. I can use the mqtt:dump service OR the test in the MQTT Addon “listen to a topic” and always get the correct value from ioBroker. But nothing works automatically.

Anyone has the same problem or a solution? I have the “retain” attribute in ioBroker activated but the message tells me “retain:false”. Maybe that could lead to a problem?

Nachricht 0 empfangen auf gruenbeck/0/softliQ/D/BS500XXXXX/Stream/mcountwater1 um 18:39:


QoS: 1 - Retain: false

I have the same problem . It doesn’t refresh by self …

Maybe the following helps to track down the problem.
My setup of Grünbeck SoftliQ, Home Assistant 2023.06.2, Mosquito Broker Add On and iOBroker is still working. BUT I’m using my own iOBroker server (virtual machine) and not the iOBroker add on in Home Assistant.

Did you try to update the MQTT and Grünbeck components in the iOBroker add on?

Thanks for your help. Everything is upToDate but today finally I get some errors:

mqtt.0 2023-06-23 11:14:39.035 warn Client [gruenb] Message 42734 deleted after 11 retries
gruenbeck.0 2023-06-23 11:12:30.524 error Failed refresh SD

and from the mqtt error, there are hundreds now in the logs.

Ok jetzt mal auf Deutsch :smiley:
Jedesmal wenn ich Homeassistent neu starte bekomme ich einmalig Daten. Aber der Aktuelle Durchfluss wird zum Beispiel nicht mehr gezeigt . Es wird auch nicht in Tagesmenge aufgenommen . In der Grundbeck App wird es angezeigt . Beim Io Broker. Nur bei Homeassistent funktioniert es nicht . Die Einstellungen wurden nicht geändert

Ok - I fixed it. My whole setup was based on Grünbeck Daten im Home Assistant | Plauder-Blog and it seems to be totally wrong. The whole approach, that ioBroker has client and server was super sus for me the whole time - but it worked until now. So if you experienced the same problems: just do it the following way:

ioBroker: only has a mqtt client instance that connects to HomeAssistant IP with Home Assistant user
homeAssistant: MQTT device configuration connects to “itself” - so HA IP and user credentials - because Mosquitto addon is the server


I managed to configure everything according to the manual above, but when it comes to sending the grünbeck data via mqtt to my ha instance I fail. I simply dont get any messages in home assitant, although I tried various configurations in io broker.

Does anybody have a clue what I am doing wrong ? Thx

My mqtt plugins are both green (connected)

please activate retain
and you don’t need to subscripe here - only publish is fine.

And you changed the Topic - it could be okay. But I would stick to the standard (with the grunbeck ID in your topic)

I activated retain, disabled subscribe - still no according mqtt message in home assistant.

I didn’t change the topics, the objects and topics are all untouched the way they came from the gruenbeck integration

Update: I removed the whitepsaces in the default topics, now it works

Besides, does anybody know why I don’t get any values for all of calculated parameters ? Is it not supported by my device (softliQ SC23) or is it because of the software version on it (V01.00.30) ?

That would have been my next guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope - but same here. I guess they are not accessible

I found the solution for the calculated values : I initially left the “host für SCXX” blank

Once u enter the IP address of the device it works

Quick and dirty Darkmode Variante

Hallo Tobias, hast du das Problem schon in den Griff bekommen?
Bei mir ist es das selbe, entweder starte ich in Hassio die MQTT Integration Neu, dann bekomme ich die Daten wieder (einmalig) oder in ioBroker den MQTT-Broker, dann erhalte ich das selbe die Daten.
Früher lief es immer das er sich die Daten selbst geholt hat bei Änderung. Hat es dieses zerlegt seit einem Update? Fehlen zusätzliche Einstellungen in der config.yaml ?
Wäre klasse wenn hier jemand helfen könne :slight_smile: Danke. Grüße