New integration : Wi-Fi energy meter WEM3080 and WEM3080T

Review this post that two years ago, let us introduce some new features of the IAMMETER energy meter that was released after this post in the recent two years.


Monitor your solar PV system in Home Assistant( Energy Dashboard VS Energy Management)

Video tutorial: Monitor your solar pv system in Home Assistant


Integrate the IAMMETER Wi-Fi energy meter(single phase and three-phase) into home assistant

IAMMETER energy meter support Modbus TCP

Use the 3 phase energy meter the way you prefer(Home assistant, Openhab,Nodered,Domoticz,mqtt publish to own server)


How do add a 3 phase energy meter into the Energy management of Home Assistant

Monitor your solar PV monitoring system with Home Assistant, Grafana and influxDB(1)

Monitor your solar PV monitoring system with Home Assistant, Grafana and influxDB (2)

Short:How to integrate a 3 phase energy meter into Home Assistant

Detailed tutorial: Integrate a smart 3 phase energy meter into Home Assistant

IAMMETER energy meter&Energy management of Home Assistant