New message in log "UVLoop"

Just for reference… I found this. It was for the dev build. Back in August 2019

Does anyone here also have this integration installed: I started having the uvloop error once I installed that, removed it and no crashes for over 24 hours now

Same error for me and as far as I know I don’t use any shell commands?

For one in trouble, you can try uninstall uvloop, for example in docker:
docker exec homeassistant pip3 uninstall -y uvloop

Mine works well after, both shell_command and stream components.

it looks like for some unclear reasons, uvloop was add back to HA 0.102.3. It should be removed in next release.


@wolverine: You rock! I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of it, that bit of command line did the trick! I owe you a pint!

28 PM

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FYI, HA 0.103 seems solve it.

Thanks for the update.

any luck with this sunny at night bug? I am new to this HA, and starting to get my setup dialed in, but this sunny at 8pm thing is killing me! I am using a picture that dynamically changes based on weather, and it shows my town during the day. looks weird!

I found a work-around, as i couldn’t seem to remedy the bug. I removed the default weather card and am now using Darksky instead. No more sun at night.

Unfortunately, some weather integrations do not currently support clear-night, which has the moon icon. Even more unfortunate is that it was suggested to remove support for this entirely for all integrations…
