New Shelly TRV BLU integration


I’ve tried to configure the new Shelly TRV BLU in HA through the Gateway GEN3, however I see only 3 temp sensors for the TRV through the BTHome integration. gateway Gen3 device doesn’t have any entities related to the TRV.

@Bieniu this is the output from http://<blu_gateway_ip>/rpc/Shelly.GetConfig :

  "ble": {
    "enable": true,
    "observer_scan_window_ms": 61,
    "observer_scan_interval_ms": 241,
    "gattc_sv_timeout_ms": 5000,
    "rpc": {
      "enable": true
  "blugw": {
    "sys_led_enable": false
  "bthome": {

  "cloud": {
    "enable": true,
    "server": ""
  "mqtt": {
    "enable": true,
    "server": "",
    "client_id": "BR-GW3",
    "user": "homeassistant",
    "ssl_ca": null,
    "topic_prefix": "BR-GW3",
    "rpc_ntf": true,
    "status_ntf": true,
    "use_client_cert": false,
    "enable_rpc": true,
    "enable_control": true
  "script:1": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "aioshelly_ble_integration",
    "enable": false
  "sys": {
    "device": {
      "name": null,
      "mac": "34CDB07840A4",
      "fw_id": "20240926-112057/1.4.99-blugwg3prod1-ga62dce2",
      "discoverable": true,
      "eco_mode": true
    "location": {
      "tz": "Europe/Sofia",
      "lat": 42.6951,
      "lon": 23.325
    "debug": {
      "level": 2,
      "file_level": null,
      "mqtt": {
        "enable": false
      "websocket": {
        "enable": true
      "file_log": {
        "enable": false
      "udp": {
        "addr": null
    "ui_data": {

    "rpc_udp": {
      "dst_addr": null,
      "listen_port": null
    "sntp": {
      "server": ""
    "cfg_rev": 88
  "wifi": {
    "ap": {
      "ssid": "ShellyBluGwG3-34CDB07840A4",
      "is_open": true,
      "enable": false,
      "range_extender": {
        "enable": false
    "sta": {
      "ssid": "XXXXXX",
      "is_open": false,
      "enable": true,
      "ipv4mode": "dhcp",
      "ip": null,
      "netmask": null,
      "gw": null,
      "nameserver": null
    "sta1": {
      "ssid": null,
      "is_open": true,
      "enable": false,
      "ipv4mode": "dhcp",
      "ip": null,
      "netmask": null,
      "gw": null,
      "nameserver": null
    "roam": {
      "rssi_thr": -80,
      "interval": 60
  "ws": {
    "enable": true,
    "server": "ws://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:YYYY/api/shelly/ws",
    "ssl_ca": "ca.pem"

Please show me response to http://<BLU_GATEWAY_IP>/rpc/Shelly.GetComponents

here is the output:

  "components": [
      "key": "ble",
      "status": {

      "config": {
        "enable": true,
        "observer_scan_window_ms": 61,
        "observer_scan_interval_ms": 241,
        "gattc_sv_timeout_ms": 5000,
        "rpc": {
          "enable": true
      "key": "blugw",
      "status": {

      "config": {
        "sys_led_enable": false
      "key": "blutrv:200",
      "status": {
        "id": 200,
        "rssi": -59,
        "battery": 100,
        "packet_id": 125,
        "last_updated_ts": 1727935072,
        "paired": true,
        "rpc": true,
        "rsv": 46
      "config": {
        "id": 200,
        "addr": "f8:44:77:3a:0f:4d",
        "name": "BR-TRV",
        "key": null,
        "trv": "bthomedevice:200",
        "temp_sensors": [],
        "dw_sensors": [],
        "meta": {

      "key": "bthome",
      "status": {

      "config": {

      "key": "bthomedevice:200",
      "status": {
        "id": 200,
        "rssi": -59,
        "battery": 100,
        "packet_id": 125,
        "last_updated_ts": 1727935072,
        "paired": true,
        "rpc": true,
        "rsv": 46
      "config": {
        "id": 200,
        "addr": "f8:44:77:3a:0f:4d",
        "name": "BR-TRV",
        "key": null,
        "meta": null
      "attrs": {
        "flags": 17,
        "model_id": 8
      "key": "bthomesensor:200",
      "status": {
        "id": 200,
        "value": 100,
        "last_updated_ts": 1727935072
      "config": {
        "id": 200,
        "addr": "f8:44:77:3a:0f:4d",
        "name": null,
        "obj_id": 1,
        "idx": 0,
        "meta": null
      "key": "bthomesensor:201",
      "status": {
        "id": 201,
        "last_updated_ts": 1070226288
      "config": {
        "id": 201,
        "addr": "f8:44:77:3a:0f:4d",
        "name": null,
        "obj_id": 58,
        "idx": 0,
        "meta": null
      "key": "bthomesensor:202",
      "status": {
        "id": 202,
        "value": 18.9,
        "last_updated_ts": 1727935072
      "config": {
        "id": 202,
        "addr": "f8:44:77:3a:0f:4d",
        "name": null,
        "obj_id": 69,
        "idx": 0,
        "meta": null
      "key": "bthomesensor:203",
      "status": {
        "id": 203,
        "value": 21.1,
        "last_updated_ts": 1727935072
      "config": {
        "id": 203,
        "addr": "f8:44:77:3a:0f:4d",
        "name": null,
        "obj_id": 69,
        "idx": 1,
        "meta": null
      "key": "cloud",
      "status": {
        "connected": true
      "config": {
        "enable": true,
        "server": ""
      "key": "mqtt",
      "status": {
        "connected": true
      "config": {
        "enable": true,
        "server": "",
        "client_id": "BR-GW3",
        "user": "homeassistant",
        "ssl_ca": null,
        "topic_prefix": "BR-GW3",
        "rpc_ntf": true,
        "status_ntf": true,
        "use_client_cert": false,
        "enable_rpc": true,
        "enable_control": true
      "key": "script:1",
      "status": {
        "id": 1,
        "running": true,
        "mem_used": 560,
        "mem_peak": 4536,
        "mem_free": 24626
      "config": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "aioshelly_ble_integration",
        "enable": false
  "cfg_rev": 92,
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 15

I have a similar issue. I have the Shelly TRV with the BLU Gateway Gen 3. The gateway is connected to the same wifi my home assistant uses and the TRV is connected to the Gateway. The Shelly Integration only lists the Gateway device and only gateway entities, but no entites related to the TRV:

Home Assistant

  • Core 2024.10.0
  • Supervisor 2024.09.1
  • Operating System 12.2
  • Frontend 20241002.2

Found shelly entities from the integration:


  "ble": {
    "enable": true,
    "observer_scan_window_ms": 61,
    "observer_scan_interval_ms": 241,
    "gattc_sv_timeout_ms": 5000,
    "rpc": {
      "enable": true
  "blugw": {
    "sys_led_enable": true
  "bthome": {

  "cloud": {
    "enable": false,
    "server": ""
  "mqtt": {
    "enable": false,
    "server": null,
    "client_id": "shellyblugwg3-34cdb07866ac",
    "user": null,
    "ssl_ca": null,
    "topic_prefix": "shellyblugwg3-34cdb07866ac",
    "rpc_ntf": true,
    "status_ntf": false,
    "use_client_cert": false,
    "enable_rpc": true,
    "enable_control": true
  "sys": {
    "device": {
      "name": null,
      "mac": "34CDB07866AC",
      "fw_id": "20240926-112057/1.4.99-blugwg3prod1-ga62dce2",
      "discoverable": true,
      "eco_mode": false
    "location": {
      "tz": "Europe/Berlin",
      "lat": 49.8722,
      "lon": 8.6693
    "debug": {
      "level": 2,
      "file_level": null,
      "mqtt": {
        "enable": false
      "websocket": {
        "enable": false
      "file_log": {
        "enable": false
      "udp": {
        "addr": null
    "ui_data": {

    "rpc_udp": {
      "dst_addr": null,
      "listen_port": null
    "sntp": {
      "server": ""
    "cfg_rev": 37
  "wifi": {
    "ap": {
      "ssid": "ShellyBluGwG3-34CDB07866AC",
      "is_open": false,
      "enable": true,
      "range_extender": {
        "enable": false
    "sta": {
      "ssid": "<my wifi SSID>",
      "is_open": false,
      "enable": true,
      "ipv4mode": "dhcp",
      "ip": null,
      "netmask": null,
      "gw": null,
      "nameserver": null
    "sta1": {
      "ssid": null,
      "is_open": true,
      "enable": false,
      "ipv4mode": "dhcp",
      "ip": null,
      "netmask": null,
      "gw": null,
      "nameserver": null
    "roam": {
      "rssi_thr": -80,
      "interval": 60
  "ws": {
    "enable": true,
    "server": "ws://<my homeassistant ip address>/api/shelly/ws",
    "ssl_ca": "ca.pem"

Similar for me. Actually, the integration is exposing the below entities:

No idea what the raw entity is about.
Temperature 1 is same as target temperature
Temperature 2 is actually not related to actual temperature measured by the TRV. Not sure what this temperature represents.
No climate entity
No boost entity
No % valve opening
Actually nothing that is usable at the moment.

Same here! I would love to see an update to get the new TRV working.

It would be great if someone from Shelly could answer whether they are leaving the “open to non-cloud-integration” community and starting the mandatory subscription model.

Why such a question? And why are you asking it here?

I’ve got the same issue as all above. Home assistant does not see climate entities from either the gateway or the TRV directly via BThome integration.

It wasn’t something that I checked prior to purchase as all Shelly devices are compatible with Home Assistant right?

I’ve since been told that this device is not compatible with home assistant yet.

No ETA of when support will be offered.

First rule of open source, never ask for a deadline :wink:

Sorry I wasn’t asking with the intention of haste. Rather just whether I should swap back my old TRVs or keep the new Blu ones in place.


Since your title says “Shelly Dev,” can you provide some details on whether we can expect it to work? I have around 45 Shelly devices connected to my local HA instance and have blindly sold a few TRVs and motion sensors. The motion sensors work flawlessly. I hope the new TRVs will soon as well.


No one will answer this. Support for BLU TRV will be available… when it is ready :man_shrugging:

Thanks! I could always try right :wink:

You can integrate it quicker using mqtt.

any hints on how to achieve this? I don’t see documents on Shelly API how to control the TRV through MQTT

Here (refered to documentation, which will soon be published by Shelly) are commands with which you can query and set the BLU TRV via HTTP via the Gateway Gen3:

Get (first _BluTrvID_: 200):


Set (first _BluTrvID_: 200, _Temp_:4.0 - 30.0):




If you configure MQTT for BLU Gateway you can use this code to add BLU TRV to HA.

  - climate:
      name: "Shelly BLU TRV Thermostat"
      unique_id: "112233445566"
      current_temperature_topic: "shellyblugwg3-aabbccddeeff/status/bthomesensor:203"
      current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.value }}"
      max_temp: 30
      min_temp: 4
      temp_step: 0.1
      temperature_state_topic: "shellyblugwg3-aabbccddeeff/status/bthomesensor:202"
      temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json.value }}"
      temperature_command_template: "{{ {'id': 0, 'src': 'homeassistant', 'method': 'BluTRV.Call', 'params': {'id': 200, 'method': 'TRV.SetTarget', 'params': {'id': 0, 'target_C': value | round(1)}}} | to_json }}"
      temperature_command_topic: "shellyblugwg3-aabbccddeeff/rpc"
      mode_state_topic: "shellyblugwg3-aabbccddeeff/status/bthomesensor:202"
      mode_state_template: "heat"
      modes: ["heat"]
        - topic: "shellyblugwg3-aabbccddeeff/status/blutrv:200"
          value_template: "{%if value_json.rpc%}online{%else%}offline{%endif%}"
          - - bluetooth
            - 11:22:33:44:55:66
        name: Shelly BLU TRV
        model: Shelly BLU TRV
        model_id: SBTR-EU867E
        manufacturer: Allterco Robotics

112233445566 - BLU TRV ID
aabbccddeeff - BLU Gateway ID