New Shelly TRV BLU integration

Yes, only BLU Gateway Gen3 supports BLU TRV.

Push 3 times the button on the device.

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Are there any Updates on the official integration?

Or can anyone post a link to an Step by Step Guide for the MQTT variant?

I’m not talented enough for this. Im used to plug and play from shelly devices.

I have copied and pasted the code for my BluTrv but my editor is coming up with some errors on the action lines,I am not used to editing code and have tried a couple of things but they did not work any ideas?
action_topic: “shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/status/blutrv:200” Value is not accepted. Valid Values:“cooling”, “Drying”, “fan”, “heating”, “idle”, “off”.

  - climate:
      name: "Kitchen TRV"
      unique_id: "F8:44:77:3A:C4:37"
      current_temperature_topic: "shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/status/blutrv:200"
      current_temperature_template: "{{value_json.current_C}}"
      max_temp: 30
      min_temp: 4
      temp_step: 0.1
      temperature_state_topic: "shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/status/blutrv:200"
      temperature_state_template: "{{value_json.target_C}}"
      temperature_command_template: "{{ {'id': 0, 'src': 'homeassistant', 'method': 'BluTRV.Call', 'params': {'id': 200, 'method': 'TRV.SetTarget', 'params': {'id': 0, 'target_C': value | round(1)}}} | to_json }}"
      temperature_command_topic: "shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/rpc"
      mode_state_topic: "shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/status/blutrv:200"
      mode_state_template: "heat"
      modes: ["heat"]
      action_topic: "shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/status/blutrv:200"
      action_template: "{% if value_json.pos > 0 %}heating{% else %}idle{% endif %}"
        - topic: "shellyblugwg3-e4b3231668e0/status/blutrv:200"
          value_template: "{% if value_json.rpc %}online{% else %}offline{% endif %}"
          - - bluetooth
            - F8:44:77:3A:C4:37
        name: "Kitchen TRV"
        model: Shelly BLU TRV
        model_id: SBTR-EU867E
        manufacturer: Allterco Robotics

Hope this makes sense this is my first post.

@Bieniu what are you saying? I am not too versed with this stuff as well, but the action_topic in your YAML provided here is exactly as the one in the question from @BJeffrey (and mine). I am not sure, if you are saying we need to change the YAML, of this indicates another error. Maybe you can add a sentence or two to help those struggling here? :slight_smile:

I’m saying the documentation confirms the configuration is correct.

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I figured out my issue: I downgraded from the 1.5.0-beta firmware after I saw some issues. That broke the integration for me. After upgrading again, everything looks schwifty now. Thanks for all your work @Bieniu! :green_heart:

Last configuration REQUIRES firmware 1.5.0 beta 1. There will be no HVAC action without this firmware.

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PRs merged

and Shelly BLU TRV will be supported in HA 2025.2.