New Supervisor Version 139 broke my Hassio (Again)

Oh, you got a like? Well, that’s great. Nothing quite like the feeling of validation. I guess I will go back to quietly learning while avoiding the cool kids.

Good idea.

Hi i’ve got this same exact issue that you are describing. This has happened to me many times with different flash cards, differents Pi’s etc. Have you found a resolution? I get the following when trying to restart from the CLi:

The HTTP request failed with the error: Post http://hassio/homeassistant/restart: dial tcp connect: no route to host

I’ll try and look up the history of my terminal… but yeah I kinda resolved it… however I have no recollection of what I did - it was a cluster f*ck… in my case, I believe what was (in the end) causing problems, was that I still had 3 containers (addons) that wouldn’t terminate - because of apparmor. so I had to do a few commands to get apparmor off these by default… then shut down the containers… then restart (few times, including rebooting the host). updated ubuntu I think… and it slowly started letting me get into the interface… With other various errors. but by restarting the containers. ,specifically hassio_supervisor, I was able to tackle other more minor errors (removed somes integrations that were erroring out still, etc)… Now the only problem is that my zwave stick - is completely randomly deciding to work after restart… sometimes it does, sometimes the host can’t even see the hardware… sometimes it only shows 3 devices out of 6, etc… slowly getting it back together… I would’ve been better off just starting fresh but I’m stubborn, plus I learned a lot about systemd, docker. etc…

So when you say you are updating ubuntu etc, it sounds like you are not running it on Mine is on and when I restart the supervisor after the error occurs, i can’t SSH into it again. I feel like with when it happens, my hands are tied of being able to do much. A power off/on restart of the PI completely corrupts the entire thing and I end up restoring a snapshot to get it all back together. I really want to love home assistant but if I have to rebuild it every 10 - 12 days, then i may just ditch it all together.

hassio can run on top of other operating systems, like raspbian or ubuntu.

Then don’t do that!

I’m having the same issue in Hassio after updating Supervisor. Now when I go to the tab, I get this error: “Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.”

Anyone found a solution?


Any solution? Seems this bug occurs on different versions :frowning:

Post http://hassio/homeassistant/update: dial tcp connect: no route to host

You will need to ssh in, not sure if you can use post commands.

What is the issue you are having?