Please help! I purchased a HA green for the sole purpose of setting up adaptive lighting. Thought this would be easy enough to achieve for a beginner but it’s day 2 and I’ve already broken my system.
I set up my server and followed a tutorial to download HACS but encountered errors: ‘unable to resolve host name’.
Having tried various forum solutions I came across something indicating it might help to set a static IP. I found the pre-filled details were different to those on my Mac and so tried changing them.
This didn’t work, timed out and then I clicked reset.
Now home assistant finds my server but fails to connect. The error code is NSUREErrorDomain -1004
this post seems relevant but I’m scared to mess it up further!
I went to ‘What’s my’ which gave me one IP address, then on my mac I looked in System Preferences> Network > Built-in Ethernet > Advanced > TCP/IP and this gave me a different IP address. I logged into my router and the info there matched the info on my mac, so I tried changing the fields in Home Assistant from Automatic to Static and entered the details I found on my mac there. I took a screenshot of the details I entered, but not of the original automatically populated fields…
From your response, it’s clear I have done this incorrectly! But now I don’t know how to get it back to its former state.
For the HACS install, I followed a video tutorial on youtube by a user named ChuckBuilds: here. It think it follows the guide you linked.
Thanks for your reassurance, I hope I can get it back up and running!
First thing is I can’t help on you are going to connect to you green if you have changed the IP. IP addresses are provided by the DHCP server which is more than likely on your router. If you randomly change the IP on something and the router has already assigned that ip address to something else you will not be able to connect to easily. You could try looking at the DHCP table on your router and see what is using the address you gave your green. turn off that device and try typing the green IP into a browser.
Some one will no doubt advise on how you can reset IP from a command line if you connect the green to a monitor.
Another tip is to always read the docs first, then check out a few videos etc to help out. Videos can be old and out of date, so you need to follow the docs first.
Welcome Brooke and don’t worry we all start somewhere.
Indeed it’s critical the HA box has a stabile IP
Yeah as to the command line this post
Has the instructions. But what to change it to is the question.
So typical residential router? If so it’s what’s handling out your ip addressing. It’s USUALLY easier to set the addressing there. To help folks here will need:
Let us know how your other machines get addresses (if you plug in and it’s automatic that’s DHCP).
We need the specs on what your pc/Mac has for its settings. We need your ip address from the machine, (I strongly suspect 192.168.x.x) t’s subnet mask (looks like 255.255.something. Something) and the default gateway address (probably 192.168.something like your pc)
So we need to find what’s sending those. Like @Arh said probably your router. So what do you have for that (make/model) and have youe ever logged into it to setup any configuration?
The IP I thought I assigned was my laptop: I switched it off and tried logging in to the IP from my iPhone. No luck
The IP showing up automatically when HA scans for a server now is totally different: 202.144.XXX.X:8123
I tried logging in to this IP from my phone. No luck. This address also does not appear in my router DHCP table
The original IP linked with my HA still appears in my DHCP table ( I can’t open this in a browser either.
To clarify a little: I think the sequence of events was actually as follows:
1- I tried to change the IP to but it just got stuck endlessly trying
2- then I was unable to revert to the ‘automatic’ option.
3- Then I clicked reset.
4- now I can’t get back in
I have a Billion BiPac7800NXL router
I plug in/connect to wifi and IPs are assigned automatically, so based on what you have said I assume this is DHCP.
My macbook IP address is:
The subnet mask is
And the default gateway address is: 202.144.XXX.X
Here’s a photo I took while I was trying to change it all with the numbers I used:
However, I now think what actually happened is it timed out trying to apply these settings, so I pressed reset (in debugging menu). I still appear to have some limited access to the HA software via my phone app even though the server isn’t connected.
Sounds like your router is running the DHCP. You need now need to switch your mac back to automatic for ipv4. This will then allow the mac to connect to your router DHCP. Then you will need to access your router setup. the ip for this should be the same as your gateway setting in the above pic. There will no doubt be a password set which is probably on a label somewhere on router. Once in there you will need to find the LAN settings and assign whatever IP the green has after resetting as above to be fixed.
It worked!!! Hooray! I’m back in. Thank you again so much for your expert help!
Now to get back to the actual issue of downloading HACS. This time I’ll read all the documentation first and fight my urge to just ‘trial and error’ it.
Something seems not to have been mentioned by fellow HA users:
This gives you your PUBLIC (internet facing) IP address.
Even though HA can be configured to get access outside from your PRIVATE network, so from the internet by using i.e. your mobile on a public connection or another Wi-Fi/private network, but that’s another issue.
You were mixing public and private IP addresses.
Also, you better not post your public IP address on the net.
As said: it’s strongly advised to give a server a fixed IP on your network so it doesn’t change at all.