New to HA. How to integrate Echo Show Devices?

Hey there HA Community :slight_smile:

I’ve been setting up my smart home for a few years and now decided to bring in Home Assistant.

I’ve got it set up with the out of box dashboard. I’m very impressed. However I cannot get my Amazon Echo devices to show within HA and incorperate them.

I’ve Google’d and searched the forums and seen how to allow Alexa to control devices within HA using Home Assistant Cloud, but not the other way round.

I have an Echo Show 8 in my living room, Echo Show 15 in my kitchen and an Echo Show 5 in my gaming room. I want to be able to set up automation to send notifications to the Shows or use the cameras on board etc but cannot find any way of doing this?

Likewise I cannot find any way to add my Amazon Air Quality Monitor?

I have many other queries but I’ve not properly looked into them via Google and YouTube so will ask those only if I cannot easily find a solution.

You’ll need Alexa Media Player (AMP for short).

Plenty of threads about it here because it’s effectively been abandoned and recently caused massive issues with HA.

Petro and a few others are currently working on rewriting this integration from scratch and bringing everything into HA without relying on third-party integrations.

I suggest you follow that thread for progress updates and not to install AMP in its current state to avoid issues. In the meantime you can get Alexa working the other way round by signing up for a Nabu Casa subscription, which supports the devs.

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Thank you ever so kindly for your reply :slight_smile:

I did during my searches see about AMP and that it’s not supported anymore, I did not know however that the community is looking at re-working it so that is exciting! I will definitely follow this.

I have signed up for the 30-day free trial of Nabu Casa but cannot work out how to integrate it with Alexa that way round.

I might wait for the community integration instead, plus I’d prefer not to have another monthly subscription. If anything I’d rather give that money as donations to the community than to a cloud service.

Thank you for your help, have a great day :slight_smile:

not sure where you trad it wasnt supported but it has been supported in the 4+ years I’ve been using Home Assistant and still is to this day

I know this as I have my multitude of Alexa devices integrated and they are all used by Home Assistant for notifications and automations