New Tuya Integration - Can't get it working. This is a UX disaster

You are right in terms of frustration, I just want to learn more about background discussions of this migration. No blame to HA. What HA can do, sharing all these discussions so we all can understand the timing.

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As we said in another open-source project where I was in the Team:

“If you are not satisfied with the way of working of the Team, you are entitled to a full reimbursement of the cost of the software provided to you for free, and only entitled to that:smiley:

I’m having some issues as well.

My account is linked, and the integration is working, however…

  • In Tuya Developer I see my linked account, but no linked devices (even if the account says 3)
  • LED strips still needed manual tampering to have all the features
  • My heater is seen and reads out the temperature, however it no longer shows the button to switch it on or off, nor does it show its current mode

While I don’t apportion blame (not possible anyway - it could be the Tuya API or the HA client side) I am gobsmacked by the hoop jumping to move to the new model on the Tuya side. Frankly, it’s an utter shambles. I can only imagine it’s “designed” to put off potential customers.
Lesson learned though. I’ll probably end up ditching all my Tuya stuff (12 items) at this rate.

Guess the old adage “buy cheap, pay twice” applies here.


Don’t forget to put it all in a box labelled “Tuya Stuff” throw it in the attic next to your box labelled “X-10 Stuff” and 5 years later brush the dust off and ask yourself; “What the heck is this stuff and why do I have it in a box in the attic?”


The new integration is an absolute disaster.

When I went to link my App, it complained that I already had the App linked in two other places. But I only had it in one other place. So I deleted that. But then it wouldn’t add because of my region selection (I’m in the US, but was using the China Region selector, for reasons I can’t recall because it’s been so long). So I made a new account, but it complained that the account already existed, in another region. So I deleted my account. But it doesn’t delete instantly and instead gives a few weeks before actual deletion. So I still can’t create a new account under the same email in a different region. So I just made a new account entirely. But that new account has no devices. My intent was to share it from the old account so I don’t have to go through the tedious process of relinking each device. But… apparently you can’t do that between regions either, because it’s not working and the error messages don’t make any sense. Meanwhile, in the Home Assistant integration, I’m adding my new account in the United States region, and yet the error logs are still indicating that I’m in the wrong region.

Meanwhile, LocalTuya just works.

Why did we stop working on LocalTuya? We should make it better, automatically fetch device keys and probably set digital inputs based on previous learnings to minimize required user configuration.

This is a reminder to myself :slight_smile:


This new integration is a real mess!!! First, my existing integration just stopped working after I updated HA. No warning whatsoever. Just stopped. Now my whole HA automations, scenes aso don’t work any longer. Cant even turn on the lights. This is a complete disregard for end-users!!! Being forced to spend even more time on this eternal Tuya nightmare, I then try to migrate, but hey, absolutely nothing works. API services are missing. I cannot get passed scanning the QR code, because I get a “another data center” error. AND AND AND AND. A total MESS!!!

The fact that things just stop working without any warning whatsoever is real invasive and immoral. You are wasting and stealing peoples valuble time!!!

The reason why I switched to smart devices, is to make my life easier not harder. But it seems you need to be a developer just to get a lightbulb switched on when using Tuya in HA. This is a real joke people.

While i can understand the frustration, you had missed the release notes to check if you will be impacted with this breaking change. It was announced as a breaking change in release history. 2021.10.0: Z-Wave S2 support, Tuya, secure ESPHome and 400 new icons - Home Assistant

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Downgrade to 2012.9, just remember Tuya is turning off the old API in december. So 2021.9 will not work for Tuya beyond that time, this is out of HA’s hands. If you have issues with it, take it up with Tuya as they made the decision to turn off the existing API.

As for your post, this is no place for political conspiracies.

By saying that I am “Out of my mind” are you implying that I am foolish? If so, are you trying to intimated me by dumbing personal put-downs on me?

Take it up with them, this is not a place for politics.

Ah, I see my post has been deleted. I will certainly file a complain now. Would have been nice to see that there is a real attempt to remedy the situation. Which seems not to be the case. I have taken a screenshot of my post and will post elsewhere, to places where privacy concerns and civil liberties are taken seriously.

You’re complaining to the wrong people. Again, take this up with Tuya.

If it is Tuya, why did you delete my post then?

Because you’re spouting political things which is directly against the code of conduct.

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Home assistant is simply adapting to Tuya’s new API. That’s it. If they didn’t, Tuya would not work at all past december 2021. So the options for Home Assistant are:

  1. Remove Tuya
  2. Move to new API

Which would you prefer? Pretty sure you’d want the new API and working Tuya in Home Assistant.

Anything else related to what Tuya is doing as a business has no business on these forums.

I was also struggling with the new Tuya integration, trying to debug and send bug reports (to Tuya) to no avail. I finally got it to work after they changed something on their side, even though I was told I must be doing something wrong).

I really appreciate that the HA folks made the integration possible, it’s Tuya that is way too complex. At first I was crying a bit but when sitting there adding APIs to a shopping basket (!!!), and giving away all my Tuya and app cleartext credentials like it’s 1995, just to be able to turn on a light, I started laughing instead.

My solution is simple: never, never, ever buy any Tuya device. Ever.


Never got passed the scanning of the QR code. Whatever I do it keeps throwing QR code expired :frowning:
That Tuya UX is a maze :slight_smile: I just gave up trying to get it to work in HA.