NEWBIE how to get https (ssl) without opening to the world

Create a throwaway reddit/google account.

So instead of opening a throwaway account to get some ssl certificates you are going to run a local network without encryption. I hope you have no wireless network and VLANs are set up to segregate iot traffic.

The security risks you are paranoid about are commendable but are a bit scattershot.

Sorry for the late reply - I’m new here so had to wait 14 hours to post again. Dont mind though, these forums are cool.

Finally got an addon to work without https.
Two complete installs and a day of poking around in the guts of my network :blush:
Thanks for the help!

@tom_l Scattershot or not, I’d rather be able to generate a local certificate with minimum hassle and without involving companies like alphabet, and I don’t take the words verbatim written in a privacy statement when I can’t find the company that publishes them (and often when I can). It’s just how I feel about it, for better or worse. It’s ok to disagree sometimes though :smiley: Privacy is one of the things that drew me to this project.


Hi @jebus ,

i’m a bit late to this post but i’m struggeling with the same concerns as you did.
I’m a new HomeAssistant user and planning to use it only locally. I don’t want to depend on any online service or github, google, twitter or what else for authentication or ssl handling.

But then i found addons which require some kind of ssl connection to run properly (ESPHome, matrix, …).

I expected to be able to run this installation with a local machine with a self created certificate for internal ssl connections. I accepted that this seems not be very easy and accepted to leave my connection unencrypted within my network, but when those addons don’t run as i want them to is bad for me :confused:

Any ideas or experiences about this? To be honest i lost track in the discussion above :(…