Nissan Leaf Component(s)/Platform

so as long as my main battery has let’s say 5%+ and the car is not plugged in, I should not be worried about my 12v battery. That’s good to know :slight_smile:

now I should only figure out how to disable this integration remotely. I can’t access my yaml file remotely. Running HA in docker

Do you need to disable the integration, or just change the update interval?

I’m not sure about the mqtt variant of this, but using the integration that works directly in HA, the documentation includes information on how to request an adhoc update. Perhaps you could set the update interval to be very infrequent and then write an automation in HA which does more frequent polling for updates. You could either switch that automation off through the UI (perhaps remotely using Nabu Casa), or implement a variable/helper that tells the whole system when you are on vacation.

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When I stayed in due to COVID self isolation, I think after something like 14 days, the car automatically stop responding to Nissan server polling. The integration will only throw up an error in the logs so not noticeable during vacation, but very noticeable when I’m restarting HA to tweak settings.

So I wouldn’t worry about it.

But don’t let the 12v run flat. The car electronics require the 12v to “jump start” the main traction battery. You can buy the cheapest power-bank car jump start kit. It only needs 12v and doesn’t require normal ICE car level of jump start current, so if it does go flat, just connect this up and it will start. Once the main battery is powered up, it will recharge the 12v.

Hi, I am being told that the add on is not compatible with processor or OS?

Are there specific requirements?

@newbuilder22, the addon only support AMD64 and ARM64.

Does anyone have a nice Hvac example for my lovelace interface?

I have managed to install Leaf2mqtt and install mosquitto. The logs show it is logging in and I have added the integration of the battery received, battery updated and battery level. But they are all showing as unavailable.

I will have missed something but wondered if someone could help. I ahve been using HA for about 1 month so all new!

Did you include the sensors in your configuration.yaml?

See my example below: (different from the orig documentation!!)

    # leaf2MQTT
    - name: "leaf_cabin_temperature"
      state_topic: "leaf/climate/cabinTemperatureC"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

I gave up on the Nissan Leaf integration with haos for a while and I decided to give another try recently (mostly with node red) but service refresh work very really, I don’t think anything is wrong with my flow ?

r/homeassistant - Nissan Leaf : working once in a while?

just running a manual refresh now and the last refresh date in HA it’s still from yesterday (before 4 refresh automation)

i’m the the UK and just taken delivery of the new Nissan Leaf 2022 model. is there any versions on this that will work with my car.
I run Home Assistant Operating System

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Thank you
Ive installed it and there seems to be a logging in issue :neutral_face:

Yup, that sounds normal for the Nissan Servers! But to be more helpful, I found that I was able to debug the Nissan login issues using a third party app called Quickleaf (android only I think). Using that I quickly found that the login credentials used by the Nissan app are slightly different to those used by HA but the same as those used by Quickleaf. There’s no rocket science involved, but the app allows you to test the logins and be certain you’ve got it right far faster than restarting HA.

Thank you for the help

Using the app suggested I’m still not able to login

You timed your installation poorly: Nissan have just changed their endpoint and authentication. Tobias Westergaard Kjeldsen is the author of dartnissanconnect, the library that underlies these and his own MyLEAF phone app — he has just published updates to the library to align to these changes.

For your add-on to work, you’ll need the add-on to be re-built to pull in the new library. I’ve done this for my OG leaf2mqtt Docker container, which is successfully pulling in data this morning, but I expect there’s work for at least one of @Sriracha and @EtienneMD to do here to get the add-on working again. You might want to try simply removing and re-adding it: that might force a rebuild which would make it work.

(No changes needed to the code chaps — just need to rebuild with the updated library included.)

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@phairplay I can confirm what @Troon is saying. The Leaf2MQTT addon (@Sriracha GitHub - yp87/leaf2mqtt: Pull in data from the Nissan Connect platform for the LEAF and publish over MQTT and the post on May14 this thread) has been working fine for quite a while but Nissan did a server update on Wednesday night (UK time) and the Nissan App service was down at that time. When the service came back the Leaf2MQTT addon is logging login errors.

Again as per @Troon 's post it seems the work to make the login work correctly has been done. But for people without docker/linux skills (like myself), we need to humbly and patiently wait for somebody in the community with the skills to update the Leaf2MQTT Add-on …

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Hi all
Is it possible yo convert the Utc time to local without creating a sensor template?

Leaf status and data has returned :slight_smile:
THANKYOU to those in the community that made it happen.
PS: “Thomas” is the car

Still off for me since 4th November.
I get

2022-11-11 17:40:42.034 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [pycarwings2.pycarwings2] carwings error INVALID PARAMS: -2010
2022-11-11 17:40:42.043 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.nissan_leaf] An unknown error occurred while connecting to Nissan: <class 'pycarwings2.pycarwings2.CarwingsError'>

when HA starts and then no updates
My config is unchanged at

  username: !secret leaf_username
  password: !secret leaf_password
  region: "NE"
  force_miles: true
    hours: 1
    minutes: 15
    minutes: 5

Any suggestions?

Weird one this.

As of this morning the sequence was:

  • HA not working
  • Standalone pycarwings2 app not working.
  • Logged into Nissan app (web site) (working)
  • Standalone pycarwings2 started working
  • HA still not working
  • Restarted HA
  • HA working

Not sure why I had to log into Nissan directly AND restart HA
but glad Nissan haven’t wrecked it :grinning: