No basic scheduling automation?!

I don’t like the ‘just use node-red’ answer. Is there no straightforward way to fire an automation at a set time on specific days and/or months? OpenHAB has had this capability for years. I like the progress HASS has made but am I missing something in not seeing a simple schedule capability?

Specific day or month isn’t bad although could be easier for sure. First add the time & date helper with the date option.

For specific date do this:

  platform: template
  value_template: >-
    {{ states('')[-5:] == 'MM-DD' }}

For specific month do this:

 platform: template
 value_template: >-
   {{ states('')[-5:-3] == 'MM' }}

For a custom schedule where you want an automation to trigger on particular days and times and you can build that schedule in the UI, use the new calendar trigger in 2022.5:

  - id: scheduled_event_started
    platform: calendar
    event: start
    entity_id: calendar.schedule_calendar
  - id: scheduled_event_ended
    platform: calendar
    event: end
    entity_id: calendar.schedule_calendar

The only bummer is you’ll need to make this calendar in another service right now like google calendar or a service that supports caldav. But you should vote up my feature request for a local calendar option so we can make these schedules right in HA!

EDIT: Actually for the first two you don’t need the time and date helper. Can just do this:

  platform: template
  value_template: >-
    {{ now().month == <month> and now().day == <day> }}

Probably a better option since there’s no other dependency.

Does Simple Scheduler fit your needs?


You can use a time trigger, using an input_datetime entity set for a date and time.

You can use a time trigger with a time condition to limit it to certain days of the week.

You can even use a template condition with whatever logic you want.

You can use a calendar integration along with the new calender trigger.

There’s also the scheduler custom component.

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That looks good. I’ll give it a spin this weekend. Thanks.