No client connected to API. Rebooting... from Sonoff Mini R4 Extreme

I have just flashed two Sonoff Mini R4’s and they rebooting every 15min.

I have a Sonoff Dual R3 that i flashed a while ago and it’s been fine.

Looking at the specs i think they both have the same chip (esp32-d0wd-v3).

I’ve used the Dual R3’s yaml to flash the R4 so they are as close as possible and still having the rebooting problems.

Any suggestions? TIA.

Do You able to connect between reboots - see something in logs may be ?

By default 15 minutes is an interval to reboot wheh no WiFi available:

  • reboot_timeout (Optional, Time): The amount of time to wait before rebooting when no WiFi connection exists. Can be disabled by setting this to 0s, but note that the low level IP stack currently seems to have issues with WiFi where a full reboot is required to get the interface back working. Defaults to 15min.
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Actually, this seems rather linked to the api: component.
In the same vein, if “api” is enabled but no HA connected to the esphome device, it also reboots after 15 minutes

reboot_timeout (Optional, Time): The amount of time to wait before rebooting when no client connects to the API. This is needed because sometimes the low level ESP functions report that the ESP is connected to the network, when in fact it is not - only a full reboot fixes it. Can be disabled by setting this to 0s. Defaults to 15min.


User error. Just posting for anyone else runs into the same issue.

Something I failed to realise but obviously the API is only connected once the device has been adopted into HA. I assumed if you upload a yaml file to your device in the ESPHome add on tab the API would automatically be connected.

Thanks for the post above that got me to think about the correct things to understand where i went wrong.

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