Hi, same problem here and Zigbee Newbie too
Can somebody share some documentation about the “quirks” or the github repo where I can report the issue?
Hi, same problem here and Zigbee Newbie too
Can somebody share some documentation about the “quirks” or the github repo where I can report the issue?
Same issue here !! siren not working under ZHA/Conbee2
“manufacturer”: “_TZE200_d0yu2xgi”,
“model”: “TS0601”,
“class”: “zhaquirks.tuya.siren.TuyaSiren2”
Have the same problem here with the two I just purchased! I bought one about a year ago and it works flawlessly! I could set to any of the ring tones, as well as get the humidity and temp readings. I liked it so much that I wanted two more to put around the house. These two start blinking when powered and seem to connect to ZHA but don’t report the temp or humidity and the siren can be turned on or off. So I guess I will stop messing with them and hope one of our brilliant developers will come up with a fix!
I’ll have the same issue.
For zigbee2mqtt there seems to be a ‘solution’: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/7407#issuecomment-890307437
Did someone try this with zha? The procedure seems to be:
delete the device from zha/home assistant.
pair it with a tuya gateway, delete the siren in the tuya app.
search in zha for new devices.
There seems to be lag (2-5 seconds) when paired with this method in zigbee2mqtt… but maybe it’s better with zha!
The owners of this device should ask for support in the following link:
FYI, support for siren entity in ZHA integration component was just now added to Home Assistant core:
Should make it into HA 2021.12 release https://rc.home-assistant.io/blog/2021/12/03/release-202112/
Update: It did make it into the 2021.21 release so if your device is not seen as a siren (even after remove and re-join it) then it need that specific device will probably need a custom quirk in ZHA Device Handlers, see → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#zha-exception-and-deviation-handling
Have you tried the siren after the reacent update? I’m looking to buy this but if it is not workin with ZHA I won’t bother
I tried it, still doesnt work. Removed the device and re-added it, but it only created a switch that doesnt do anything and no temp/humidity.
I just purchased the device off eBay. Once pairing it displayed as “_TZE200_t1blo2bj”. Was able to pair the device but I get 0 entities found and I am clueless as how to proceeded.
I’ve also just purchased one of these devices, Once paired in HA using ZHA it is recognized as “TS0601
by _TZE200_t1blo2bj”, but no entities available, I removed it and paired again, no changes, I’ve read multiple threads regarding a similar device (_TZE200_d0yu2xgi) but I was unable to follow what processes were followed to get of the entities working, especially the siren switch, which is the one I am interested in, if someone can share what steps can be followed to use custom quirks and test and the similar device can also use the same custom quirk it would be great, I am lost on what options i can try.
I had a Neo ZigBee 4in 1 sensor that paired but no entities. I’m thinking the Neo brand zigbees don’t work
I always check Here first
No i think neo just monkeyed with the ID, it seems they have done it in the past and a new quirk needs to be made but i have no idea how to do it myself or apply it.
Just checked in version 2022.2 and still no entities to control “TS0601
by _TZE200_t1blo2bj”, there are 2 disabled entities for diagnostics but no entities to control, also tested with Zigbee Home Automation: Warning device warn service, using multiple parameters and no luck on triggering the device.
I am not sure how to test custom zha quirks but will keep trying.
It seems the TS0601 by _TZE200_t1blo2bj is the cheaper Tuya siren without temp and humidity sensors. Mine was sold wrongly described as a 3-in-1 sensor. This is supported under zigbee2mq. See this thread: https://giters.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/10348
I have setup my environment for testing new zha quirk, but currently do not know how to port this from zigbee2mqtt to zha.
I recently opened an issue on github for the _TZE200_t1blo2bj variant. See https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/1379
Hopefully the devs will have some luck.
Tried my hand at changing the _TZE200_d0yu2xgi quirk without luck (but didn’t really know what I was doing). Happy to test any quirk you may come up with.
After testing some of the possible solutions described in this post and some others without luck, I decided to try Zigbee2MQTT
They worked without any extra configuration, I was able to turn it on, off, change the melody … the volume.
Setting up Zigbee2MQTT was not as easy as ZHA but worth the try, also I have a Tuya Scene Switch 4 gangs, with ZHA it only recognized 4 actions (single click in each button), but in Z2MQTT Home Assistant had the full 12 actions (Single, Double, Hold in each button)
Good to know the z2m implementation works. I have a second zigbee stick arriving today and plan to run both zha and z2m side by side before deciding which to keep.
The siren alone is not enough to make me switch, but device support does seem better with z2m. On the other hand, ZHA has always “just worked” for me until now, but all my other stuff is pretty vanilla.
The ZHA devs were quick with an initial quirk to to test, unfortunately it didn’t work.
Interesting, for me the same device status is “not supported”. Zigbee2MQTT version: 1.24.0 , Coordinator type: zStack3x0.
Does anyone know the reason for this ?
Not sure. Works in z2m here. Have you tried removing/re-adding? Some of the other devices I tested under Z2M (Aqara) didn’t seem to complete the interview completely.
Can’t say that’s been the case with the siren though, I’ve moved it back and forth between Z2M and ZHA at least a dozen time now.
I’m using the latest production (NOT edge) Z2M add-on under HA 2022.3: