No new sensor visible

I have just installed Hassbian on a raspberry pi 3, and all went very well…since I have tried to add a simple rest sensor to my configuration.yaml. I have added

sensor 2:

just under preinstalled sensor for weather prediction, from ‘yr’ platform.

Then I have tried to restart hass from frontend many times, reboot, nothing appear in main panel. I have checked configuration in front end, watched in home-assistant.log, no issue there.
I checked YAML, it passes test on yaml-online-parser.

Executing check_config gives:

INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of colorlog==4.0.2

Testing configuration at /root/.homeassistant

Failed config

General Errors:

  • File configuration.yaml not found.

Successful config (partial)

It is a very basic question, I probably missed some info somewhere, but I’m stucked at the very beginning, could anyone help me please?


home-assistant.log contains following lines:

2019-01-28 19:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Updating rest sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:01

Tht’s maybe the issue why it is not displaying. How can I set refresh time?

It looks like there is a space in the sensor name… sensor 2 - should be sensor2

Also you need to use code blocks!

I feel really stupid… I was watching home page, waiting for sensor to appear. They are actually visible…on states page.
Anyway, thanks a lot guys, I look forward to go further now!

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