No options/buttons to add devices after starting home assistant

Hi all,

just installed via hyper-v in windows 11 and onboarded. Then when i use chrome to connect to home assistant, I login and I get to a new screen with a label and a home icon without any clickable buttons or options, what am I missing.? All the guides I’ve seen show buttons to connect devices is this how it should be?

I followed the guide of the home assistant web site, selected generation 2, disable secure boot and linked the disk image.

Could you please share a screenshot so we can understand where you are?

thanks for responding, please see here. it appears as though i’m stuck at the end of onboarding

but this comes up after I have logged in and nothing changes from here on

What if you remove that “onboarding.html” from the url?

I mean, try to click at this link: http://homeassistant.local:8123/
Let me know if you get to the same screen.

it just adds the onboarding section back into the url

i should add that is after I login.

Something is obviously wrong. This takes a while, but it shouldn’t be one entire hour.

Will be hard for you to start over? I know, it should just work from the first time, but this clearly not the case here.

yeah must be something, it’s no problem to start again, but I have already deleted/removed the virtual machine and recreated it with no success.

I might re-download the hard disk image and give it another try.

I’ve just downloaded the disk image again and recreated the vm and this time I had this screen pop up (not last time) but it still did the same thing. Its very frustrating, when noone on the web seems to have ever had this happen before.

See what the monitor of the hyper-v VM spits out.

I don’t have any idea of how to monitor anything in hyper-v, this is the first time i’ve used it. Google has a heap of options, all of which seem over the top to monitor a machine. Any suggestions on a basic/easy way to monitor the VM?

i found it, I recreated the virtual switch and the VM and it all started to play the game.

Thanks for your help, cheers

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